Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 31

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iil uf. State- Governnnts. at the 'Innual flu department day' of the Illinois L e a g Li e t)f W nwen Voters hid t the, nvŽst tCiao Departnîent -charnien nd local ýeuepresi d e rts. in 10Chicaigo a ll , il parts rt'i ofI î~i A.) frio ullate plans for carry ing o>ut ~he ea ~uers gra>in flfotr &dcti uication." Previous talks have dealt with the "Influ nce of Re igion on the Individual," and "-Religion as the Cause of -the Evolution of Man- kind.'- The fourth and last of the- series xiii be on October. 30 and the. tol)iC xiii bthe "World Order oif !Biih&iu'Iah."' Classes for ail chil- dren wýillniet at .11 oclock 6àn Sun- élay mr)ninis in Foundàîtion al -~ îecsaxiii ie. Social Securty, âMr S. Edwin Hedrick. formeri3 ,îare not criu-rlly roIPOrtnt Kenilwoilth. «vho has' been spenc <t idMm fâne.thé sunmner in the Adirondack~ \htiS inIpo rtaîit is tt ehaveý Nevv York1 ste.ç' is nimw visitinà: -ItgedC sur IlilLICd phipsoS<1)hy daughtier. Mrs. Joh n Leimhert.: Tei) yeurs ago local gùveronents Exr-î-ooî' rtaïd. KenL-%worth. * were: responsiblè, forý the welfare o - - - he pople Nowat et Ch level, lo- cal, state. and federai,, there .5 ts ,UOI AH 0F responsib.îlît forassuring a job ul> ATOIGAPYO a decent étandqrd ut H ving oee x N B J IF E nesnin thi"ý NoLEJ.try.'E Twvo 'Major Problenis The Soci-cl Serty-et as seLup Nb1 V~~hoi~ n 1935 had two ia.jor probleirn r e &c Élrst, ta admiister the varidus tites i îCtn >Sp f th(- act: and second. tc nake sutch haî!îî I cttt', 1î~S.cr tdi as were necessary. %né.- Ahu lent W-11t s uais Si ?IW ( iojnAll public aesistdnce and un- Mf ('nîiîî SulwriacHîilsce olula~ cripînyniunt cornpenstDn both in- r~a Cuîvsprittçtt a.vlvoa. state and federal relation- ship. Old geinsuiraricce i.s diiectiy Mu. l>uikur i' tliit cVI ,îdrinisýtered by the fedefral goverri- ,>fl narriud. and tue fathe: 'nent.txo oy.jitauien Alr. Bane stated fuirther that he wohy'uliag seriusit1v weustioned whether we Richard are six. Hle recides 1y or wl*h the Iýý._ l iis greut up-f o-fhe-ninuf e volume ond WITH HI CUPON a gesture of good will to 01Wr,4reoe THECOPO we are offering this once-in-c-lifetime 1w v DITIONARI VALUE alI(1-0 words The Geographical Webster's Home and * suçh as- this, -inan enitirely lHew Uie~t i 92 .ijrn i i ~e1dofgovrumntalendavo ~field of Supervision ard Adiniý- -bUtund to iieudrPion frorni tiirne tration . fie lias servud as ch-Iairnîantl lime. c)~~f the Mvînhffersh-ip) Coiiiîmittue of Ille fHope Summers to Give ,,IlaeShore i ion or tlliottis PIyReitai Oct. 21 toeriaime ftéN- P1aý.. ctionadl FAicatiofl .Associationt, Depart -. The Glencoe Pairenit-Teacher as- ý;oýciatiiin wihhld a play-recital tea rnedne exa Eriday, October 21, at 2 o'clock in u nl let( ~sdnta h ii the spaciotis new quarters of the4 nois, Association of Couniy Superin- Woran's. Library Club of -Glencoe. 1 e udents; is past president of the - -... - __ IPalatine Lions Club and is on the ,Sim pied PrOltunci<n by means of easy phonetk respelling withrnit the use of diacritical xnarkings. A glance reveals the correct pronunciation of each word. Deinitions in afl cases are simple, terse and clear. Not necessary to consut. other sources for straight- fined. It is brand-new frorn cover to cover, clearly printed on a good grade of paper and adequately illustrated. Its self- pronotincing vocabulary includes ail late revisions and additions -- a thorough coverage of English wôrds and phrases from science to slanig. Durably bound in uld of Woodstock. Mr. Puffer's entire professionalex-_ ,Mrs. Nolan, witli perience has been- in the -field of 'the* Address [nia, spent the day public séhools of Illinois. His training father, Thomnas F., in college anc'graduate work bas been Geogrophical. his homne in Wood- exclusively in the- field of educa- j Home und Office Nolan who

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