Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 26

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Euvs at.wo,(,)k on thle. costume <,rew for the Corneli college hi)meor-n in g 151FIf~5T play, "MUýsterv at Greenfingers". a of Thingi , stery-comedy by J. B. Priustley. last wýeek was Jean Everson. daugh- $30dter, of Mi':r and Mrs. C. G.Eero of 430 Lake avenue. Wilriette. The estaurants play., the Annerican pt'emiere Ïf Garage which. Corneli. had thepive. o presentiflg. as a feature o)f thl hornecorning festivities wih'i place. on the -Mt. Vern'(în lcaiipu.s Oct., 14 and 15.> Priýf. AlbertFrn jn. lin ohns n .and- Bertha Frcl- Johnson dir -td the pri.dc'tioriý Which %vas given in the l lveitatru --------of the Arrustrnun ha'll tif finu acrts - ~~- \Iýiss'E-ver5cin. aàfeshnl î oî - -- cl this yea r. )1a1 i ("1'r 1 For over+hee.. artet4:ofa ef r Cicago onsry.to - y ha faught ail branches of Music ana Dramatic Art Ieading +c +4e Bachelor and Master Degrees Inspirationol and unexcelled instruçtion ofiered by a large foorulty of Interna fional forme cHILDRENS DEPARYMENT-Ask for our Free Bookiet "Inteligent Music Gu!dance for. Vour Child- ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLASSES Ail Departrnents offer the student 19 Recitai Appearance 0 Faculty Concert Tckets ID Consultation and Auditon 0 WITHOUT CHARGE North Shore Extension. 1247 Hinman, Telephone University 6288 FAST, £Ot4VWIEMT OVERNIGHlT SERVICE flORIN WESIERflý. LIMITERI to andfrom Coflhlfand Interest i3pNiroi MLa Leo.rv The schoils in those state"S gener all knwnas Eisteril states are so Varied in characler anjd trditioiri that extreme1Y fw~niai.t(r can be ruade. Tho _ ____ states of 'Massa-'à chusectts and e. h dxethe x- trenes in vdI' o reé'I'IItk v sta3 b- tessional i ir - ac.te the ani- cie-lt ,and1 tradi- t 1ni i nud ~chîîjols x h i c h h a ,-' e preuared Marjorit' Leary fr ru 60 ti 0pur Bia~P ' 3*1o~fderatv ti4tçs 4 Winter Tourist hervan. thu anamafCanal. is hchiving the rànk etue iiia or est artic <ml i *idy a' mater ilek, and culs wvh ici' are niîierrgr vel.s. adiass!?Cpitîes vith pirate, and the rumers tif 49. tHe Pppna CAnal firus the é inai ias di, * ither secade yruflc rid. This, %v: tvr. in 'urner te niul:'e t h a ire a cces, bic te the p)e y le, South andi th(.- :Micld le Wei4 ý'h( Adrdîan Express Travel Ceri'\îc mwill coiupei'ate xJlh. theH iad ArîteriCa %L ie jon astŽr!c if Per", cr~iss îtit frorn Nùw O9rlea n ('ruise on Lu\ury. Liner The cruises, une (if sxtei î% and tmwo of 1twenty, m-ill be in-iode '. Retterdain. and mwi]Iil udl.e Çaribbeani ports as Cuiraian. Kîni- ton, Havana and La Guayrc .'h por-t ef Caracas, capital e (J îza ela. hi additinthe lenwor cru csu WHl stop at Triiad. Frt-dc-Franuo, , # p"îi t futeth nmbr ifc Scr'i e Sstarts January 7, witnh. ec3caioalsei îns nd the redrt second cruise Januar 29. a rd 'ho' tulors.Th,-, scheo>s in thi statje thiî'd Februai'y 2. are. geitei'ally epkîin fo )wêll At Cristobal. Canal Zoin. pesm k-nown tinly and have dIrawn oers on the Rotterdani r-nav yur coni-parativ-elv few puils farther about seven rmiles thruugh the junjýt away tan the nutthern New Eng- to Gatun Dami, using for the trip ihe land. ntatos. Theu .are intet'îstiflg Panama railroad. In gold rush c!ays, schools never-the-less and rnany Muen adventurers used to sail i, thje Ave Junior college departrnents. Isthmus, cross it and continue or, te Quaker Schools** Californie. the road chi'ged $S25 fu)i Mâny- of the Pennsylvania schools a first çlass tickcet over its 50 îiilu aire likewise co-educational. This is Second clàss .tikts cet $10 ali true because nijny of- thenm have those who electeci ta wlkils 1rîl, been established by the Quakersand and thus save fare %were îulkI àresgenerally knowýn, as "Friends'. pay $5 for the privieîc Todav '-hi. Schools." ticket is. less than S. Pupils of- ail denorninations are Famied Gatun Lake àccepted in the preparatory sèhools Gatun Lake, visitors leari. is A. as wvell as* in Swathmnore college. -feet abo'Ve sea level and is the su!e The governments of the schools.1 ond largest artificial body of watpr fruwever. aimnat the Quaker "way of in the world. Onlv Ltike NMad fdrri- tr local For information, tickets,r C. & N. W. RY.' Can't Take It With ,You.- "Night Must Fall.' "It Cîi't Hapnen Here." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Jones. 'Justiee" and "Winterset."* 1224 Gregory avenue, returned re- _______________-cently from a trip to Kansas City. Join the In de pe n de nt Voters where they visitecl their son and League-,Fifld Out What Your, Candi-* daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- date Stands For. Adv.. ward Jones,, and two grandichildren. Rates froai 4 Fmous, RE Adjoiniing i,

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