Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1938, p. 16

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During 30 Years By J. E.bb Harper SupernendeTIt of Schools ee The question that 1 have be asked most often the lasit.,few, days. is '$what changes have taken Place in, the ýWilmhette schools durng the -la-t'thirty :years?' PFerhaps an an- swer th> this question may help Us understald- the schools of today. The public school. systemn in the United States as we thinik of it in the termns Of uiver sal education, is just about one hundred years old.: 0fcourse, there werepublic sichools in certain sections of the country] before this period, but it wasn't gen- i erally accepted a s a systemn for our country. So it must be considered: as one of Our youflger institutions. In this light it isn't surprîslng that there have been prof ound changes in the last third of that period-a period that has been marked by pirtour dmchnges 4in other raIms of social endeavor. Points out Changes Ini a short article such as this only a glirnpse at the -whole field can be taken, but three things stand out in my mind as very important: M1)Change in teacher training, (2 Change in school activities 3i Change in child understandilig. In the early days of the public school preparation for the. job of A Tribute The inein bers of the faciltli of t he Wilrnette 1Pu i cUhoo~ls are happy to join with Mr. Harper i celebratiflg the annive-sary/ of his thi-rty years of service in this commnrnity. He. like others ivho accomplish the mnost for ediica- tion and real living, has un- se? fishly served his fellow mnen. ýHe is alu'ays ait inspiration to * those teho work zvith hirn and Twenty-five years ago a 6-l' - mothers met at the Logan school By Heny J- Br nd and 1,ormned the. Logan Mothers B lny .B'd club. Years of progress and ac- <Presideflt, Board of .Education) complishimnft have passed and this There is every reason why the Mothers' club has been transformed average citizen should be interested. int te resntLoanHoward Par- in, the school systemn. It belôngs to ent"Teacher a s s o. c i a t i o n_ with a the comnmufity. Itis the largest en- mnembers hip of ào.ver four ýhundred. terprise in the We hope to continue accomnplish. village. It opera- ments by sponsoring Such projects ates fiie plants, asr the cafeteria, s tudent :a i d, which, together Mothers' clubs '.at':the. Logan. and wifth equi.p ment, gighcrest .schools,ý and intensive have c'ost .more, safety, program.ýt hanon e a n d ln living up, to our themeé for thea haif mil- year.. "lWe. the People.,...Pronote lion d o1il a: r s. the General Welfre"-we hope to. Every year the carr .y out the Charter, rules of the1:c ommau n it y Illinois Congress o! Parents and, spends in excess Teachers which are: of a quarter of 1. To carry on construc ti11ve work for; a million dollars better parenthood, better. homes, better in their main- schools and better commruflîties. p 1. 2. To refrain from ail factioflal and tenance ýan n Henry J. Brandt partisan politicàl activities. operation. What Bach Phioto) 3. To refuse consideration by the is more import- assocation of personal grievances. __ hi nsi uto is the u r an 4. T b ab àt iU t fro è er achi ng o h s ns it tongu rd. administrative funetions of the school. 'of. the chËildren of the éontfnTtýv. 5. To co-operate with the principal servingr their mental, moral and and the. teachers n promotxng the best ph.sical educational needs. Our interests of the school and cornuflitY. ' _______________ -public schools. in this regard, aùc _________________________of equal importance with the homn_ NOTICEand. should. therefore, have lavished NOTICE upon them something of the s a rue This page. which %ill ap.pear interest, concern and devotion thai each .eek in WLM1ETTE LIE, iS the good citizen lavishes uponi his. sponsored by the Public Relations home. committee. a group composed of Yet is must be granted that gur, representatives from the Wilmette public sehool sà:stern is often rea,t: arpânzaton. he Cent- d a the disinherited child of the wa eesr.Graduation f r o Im inspires ,L cUfU1 L- 1-1 1vuiuivu'.j1z high nsso o. vn rm , -d thiithileZe.He 18 OUr If you have any questions or -collected at the command of laWl. grae shoi ws ot t il ec gudeanci friendu'h ose risiolï suggestions regarding articles, for but disinherite&t from the citizen's essry.Howver nomalschools grows, and expaiids tith the this page, will o id, drs vital interest and concern and, there- came ntoeisernformtetan-alg~t ie and gives is the' themn to the Public Relations Cor- fore, from that spirit of helpful cor- ing of elemnentary teachers and grad- ?ieeded courage to carry on7. iittee. Central scho.ol, Wlmette. n-unity cooperation without which' ually achieved an importance in our Mathew Francis Photo tnalpubl ordtirtid, han er and educational system. enlywl redc nuead TraIiing Often Limited Thirty years agrorr The Board. of Education a normal school wasn't considered nietcnatbtentepb necesar fo a.posiionin he il- nte pret S hool to Par nts lice and its .schooi systern is had fbir-olih the nprsonnel of the Board J1 CUI J lu ' JLý - r F- ""Mr. and wrMt 1. Kne, ii.II ul,ý---- A banquet,- honoring Superintefl Mr. and Mrs. H o wa rd A. Làne, School board and the League Of Wo-: The educational system of Wil- dent and Mrs. J. Robb Harper's thir- Northw.ýestelfl university, and Mr. mon Voters. These representatives, mette has* always been free from tieth year *n the Wilznette schools, and Mrs. H e n r y J. Brandt. Mr. will meet monthly to 'discuss ,theÇ politics. Boardi members receive no was giveù by the Wilmette Teacher's and Mrs. R. W. McCandlish, and varlous phases of school activity, compensation whatever, They are council at the Wilrnet te Parish Meth- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burlingamne, With aIl this cooperation we feel entitled to the support and coopera- odwe chureh octob>er. 12. Mrs. H. W. Drucker, and Mrs. E. we will> be successful in accomplish- tion, and to the active interest o! theî >The Teach e's côunil presented, C.. Hildreth, of WilmTette. ing. our ai ms. citiz en.

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