Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 66

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- Phone ,Wlnnetka 1052- 15LTN234ltp WELDING-Bollers, Industrial, General, SArcl, Gas, Spot. etc. M~A ~NN-fgflORebuildtgOea tions,* General, *perîmental, et c. Lines as Borg Warner, PerfectCircle, A. C.. etc. ELLEC. MOTORS-Rebullt, Servicêd, :Re wound. etc. Any'.*-sze-¾K. R . Pta 100 H. P. *PAVLIK BROS. KENIL. 5672-5673 15LT141tip Do You Have Money to Burn? LET US,,INSULATEYOUR HOUJSE THE eeonomny way. Yo will save the,,cost on thisý winters fuel bill, and add'to * the.permanent value. of 'your home. We can make your attic livable for xiext summer. Estimates free. PjiONE WILMETTE 3828 NORTH SHORE, INSULATING ASSOC. Seasoned Fireplace. Wood BIRCH AND MAPLE. $12 TON. MIXED wood. $50.oak >wood,$9., Çoaland coke. A-i black souin 4 or 5 yd. load, $1.50 yd. Filing 75e yd. Office phone * Wînnetka 2108, yard phone, Winn. 3940. E. G. Haglund. 849 Elm St. lý5LTN23-1 tp' .BUY FIREWOOD NOW. WE SELL white and red oak at only $12 cord, delivered. Aiso we take care of trees, chop or trirn and feed by able and in- sured men. Wil. 3478. 15LTN23-tlP STOR SAS --WETHERSTRIPT inexpensive. Practical. Free estimfate. *Order now. Phone or write Zion 1l32J, XVýetherstriJt Stormi SashCo.. 2502 Gilead' Ave.. Zion. -15LTN24tp NOW WE 1 ing and nr Econoiical: NORTH 5H( UPHOL FURNITURE SPRAYING Also wicker furniture & refrigerators. We use lacquer-Wmnnetka 3185. 1 15LTN21-tfc IS.A 0P1OMETRISTrs trees and garden to bel prepared for Fali. Many tlM'gs to be done b that advertisers on this page can, do for you. TISPAGE US 25 PAINTINGANO DECRTN Pinting, Decorating SANITAS A N D CANVASING. O L D floors made likeý new lby dustless rma- chinery. Our specialty on washiflg wal.s and woodwork that doesn't hurt the suro face, yet at a 10w cost. Our ivork is doneA to your satisfaction by a record of goodi reference and bestimat. at Iowest prices. Melvin Skolnik Wil*.3413, 25LTN23-ltp I. SKOLNIK ..OMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Also wall ,%ashing, starching, color rnatchinig, and touch-up work Special 10w f all prices. Any size job. References, QUALITY WORK ONLY. Wilmette 4288 25LTN22-ltp Paint Your House-Now 1 WE SPECIALIZE IN OUTSIDE PAINT- .1ing only. thats why w,ýe can furishi the lowest posshbie rate. Also shinigle 326 ~~ashil CLOfl lece12 25LTN21-4tp DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Winnetka 710 Sheidrake 5132 I . ..25LTN45-tf c Pedersen Decorating Co. I Also exterior work. 1- WINNETKA 4119. I.. .25LTN19-7tp Hors. d'OeuÜvres.. iOen .face sa'nd- wiches,. decorated -birthdaY cakes. Mrs. Baker, 524 Maple Ave. Wilb mette 4151. 39LTN23-4tp 42 GARDENING GýARDENIýNG .A ND LANDSCAPING. Flowcr beds arranged. For sale: Per. enils rnamefltal shrubs, eve rgreefls, Black dirt, sand. manure. Wil. 424, Yovanof i~42LTN.Z3ltp 44U 1-NSTR-4TIQ.N TUTORING IN FRENCH. FO'R TRAVEL, conversation, school. Groups or ni- dividuals. Extensive international teach- ing experience.. Mmne. Blanche Mason, Phi. B. Winnetka 823. 44LTN23-4tp TUTQRING, ALL GRADE AND HIGH- SCHOOL SUB- jects. Speed.w~ritiflg and typing. Dy. 1692. 44LTN23-ltp 59, _ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS STEINWAY BABY GRAND. CONOVER .,tvie 77. çnýwinp T<nabe grand, i ~ 60 PIANO TUNING EXPER . PIANO TUNING, $2.50, with cleaning. Go anywhere. With Steinway Music School. 21 years' exper', ience. Magnus, Avenue 6427. 60=T2l-4tp PIANO TUNING AND RÉPAIRING. Ail Work Guiranteed. 'rhomias Lockerbie Wilpmette82 TUNER. WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS' 6___ 0LTN234tl) EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. E- pair work guaranteed. 22 years' fac- tory experience. H. C. Thomas, 206 Go-ý BALLET-TAP-BODY CULTUR~E- Baby dancing classes, 21/a to 5.yrs. 1939 Central St. Gre. 6644 46LTN23.ilp 47 MUICAL INSTRUCTION PIANO INSTRUCTION IN YOUR HiOME,., ExperieflCed teacher.. Beginners or ad- vanced pupils on North, Shore. Classicai or, popular.. Kenil. 5213. 47LTN20-4tp PIANO INSTRUCTION IN YOUR HOME or studio. Advancéed pupils and begin- ners. Approved classical curriculumn. Also*0latest -mrethod for popular Swing, harmofly. STELLA McDONALD, WIL. 5957 - 47LTNI6-tfc 58 MAGAZINES MAGAZINES Place your subscriptioflS with ELIZABETH ASH ..W1NNETKA 2290 Foreign and Dom-est.ie Publications 58LTN22-4tp. 80 EAlRING APPAÉEI- $25 Will Make A NEW CREATION FROM YOUR OLD fur coal,.,Cornplçte remodeling of high. est price includitig new silk linihg, te- pairing, refitting, cieaning, glazing, seam reinforciflg,. new loops, buttons, inter- lining, two year guarantee. Additional f ur if needed at. low cost. Or you mnay trade iin your old coat towards a inex coat. Miller Fur Co,., 166 N. Mich., Chicajgo. Open evenin gs 'tii 9 P... BO 'lN2L0-4t1C CHILD'S NAVY BLUE SH1IRLEYTE pie coat, ,hlat andciniuff. Squii rel. trimmed. Size 10-12. Also child's tair sprlflg coat, size 10, and briown sKi panits. size 10. PhioiieWl. 2273. RUCS~ flT TWEDL COAT, COL BROWN, FUR.TRIMMED CLOTH COA'T SIZE 14. GENTLEMEN'S DINNERi CLOTHES AND WINTER U L S T EFPR :EVRYTING PERF. COND. WIN- NETKA 1037.802-t 2 GREY FALL MEN'S SUITS, SIZE ' 34. 2 boy s' brown'i and, grey suits, Ic 14-16. Veiryý good cond. Reas. Catilteve- nings between 7 and 8, Glencoe 670. 80LiT23-1tl) MINK CAPE TttIMMED IN FOX;ý Alaskan seal m-uif; ice skates on sh.oes siz:e 6-B; 2 spreads, 1 lace, 1 rose rayon. Cail after 5:30 P. M. Greenleaf 6699.' OVXTN 3Ii Dustessî-Dreadnailght Sander e-mnCb 34 drum makes worfl ugly tir . new, beautiful. - -ENHEXE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Moth holes, cig PAINT HEAUQUARTERS clohing, linen., 1567 Sherman Ave. University 5990 ing & blocking. 25LTN26-tf c DING MENDING .SHOP. 1- t -burns, tears on BLACK COCE s,' kitwear. Cdean- mos. .Peina N. State, Rm. 1203. 1 lated., Home 34LTrN23-2te home. Winnet ___ .FIRSI 05 AND CATS SAVINGS &1 R SPANIEL PUPPY. 5 0F pedigreed and inocu-' M. Clil ised. Sacr'fice for good 1155. Wilmette A a 1657.. .1-1TN2Sltp zI'ue e1623 r35-tfC

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