Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 58

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~~1 Free classes in English and in- at Annual Banquet StruCtio to help foreign-.born per- he Young Mothers Club of will begin at Stowe House, Ashland mett wi] hod is anualavenue and Lee street, Evanston, nete illhod ts nnalMonday . October 17; ;at 8 o'clock,ý qUet. at: 7 o'clock Monday, under Miss Nan Wooldridge of the ber 17. at Shaw'neè Country Gréenwood Inn, who has-ý taught T1he offleers foir the enisuihg similiar groups for. a numnber of elected at the last meeting. ýyear.s. be installed at this time, The elaÉsses are sponsored, by Fort They are:- Mrs. Walter Stegnjiail of Wilmette, president; Mrs. J-ihn R.,Daveport of Winnetka,. vice-pres- ident;, Mrs. Joseph Ka'szab,ý Jr., 'of. Wilmette, recordîng secretary: M/rs. John W Petaja, of Wilmette, et r-. responding. secretary;Ms.Min *Seifert of Wilmette,' treasurer. The retiring ,officers are: .Mr*s. John H. Schneider of Winnetka, presîdent; Mrs. H. C..Ililium of Winnetka, vice- president; Mrs. Lester Ball of WiI- mette, recording secretary; Mrs.. Louis Becker, Jr., corresponding sec- È etàry, and Mrs. À. H. Pendîeton* of Kenîlworth, treasurer. Under the' leadership of Mrs. Schneider the club has enjoyed a successful year, and under the di-. rection of the program chairmar 1, Mrs. lIlium, instructive entertain- ment. The club regrets. the loss this. year becaus~e o! ineligibility tô. member- ship of Mrs. H. . ayes, Mr$. the summner'in Europe, will, speak on «"Personalitîes on Front Page Eu- ropean News."' Musical entertain- ment will be furnished by Ilse Mar- en, pianist. Miss Maren came to Chicago fromn Germany a year ago to teach and do concert work. Abroad she had wide experience in radio, and ap- peared in recitals and with sym- phony orchestras in Berlin, Ham- on a motor trip 'to Brown Ind., arriving home Tues- e first of last week Mrs. attended a three-day con- fthe Congregational church L'earoan chapter of. Daughteirs. of the American Revolution,,and are open to any fo.reign-born North Shore resident.. Anyone:who, is interested rnay at- tend, and Miss Wooldridge invites, especially thosýe who have questions concerning their first or second cit-I izenship papers. The students wil.l meet one eve- ning a week throughout the fali and winter months. Last year, sixteen pe rsons who 'reeeived instruiot~~n ased examr- inations given in Evanston, enab- ling them to beconie American cit- izens. Mrs. Gordon C. Gr'aham, 2205 For- estview road, Evanston, is in charge' of the Americanismn cornmittee of Fort Dearborn chapter of D. A. R. For enft. Circle To Sing of club morni'ng Club of1 dai,. Mrs. radio exp, ence~ L to hercreait. Mauriee Photo Miss~ June Maleôr cornmes' again toWil mette uncler auspices of the Juiolub ilary of the Woman's cu oconduct a series of tap dancing lessons for beginners and, for advanced pupils. She will give the lessons Tuiesday evenings at 7:45 o'clock at the clubhouse in Wilrnette at reduced rates this year. Tite classes will be forty minuites each, and will be de- voteci to posture training, reduc- -. ,tai) danci -I A CathoIic League Again Sponsors Dinner Dance The large fail social event of the North Shore Catholic Wornan's league is the annuLýa dinner dance for memr- bers and their friends, which will be held at Shawnee Country club Sat- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Spaulçiing have nioved into thëir newly built house i Northfield. They had tak- en an apartment in Chicago while terhouse was 1being built. Th Wilrr banq Octol club. year, will for the coming yea r. Other officers chosen at this 'Urne were: Mrs. P'red Kilner,. first 'Vice- president; Mrs. John L. Wilds, sec- ond vice-presîdent;' Mrs. Robert M. Burns, secretarY,, and Mrs. McAl- lister, treasurer. WlLMETýTE LIFE, j 58 -~TeRomance ofthe Woodis of t he- Wor-ld," will be the subjeci that 0. A. Oaks of Ev anstoni will discuss Monday, October 17î. at 2 o'clock when Fort Deai-bor' chapiei' of -Daughteis. of the -Amnerican Revoution assembles *foi' its regular mieetingr at the Woman's Club of Evanston. MVr. Oakýj. a teacher of woodwork at'New Trier Township, hig*h school has, been a lover of woods' anci. trees since his boyhood, days,,whiel.; were spent on a wooded- farm j central ,Indiana. From his collection -of 1,400 :spec.- mrens made over a period of twceni ,- five years. he will bring to tht club soe ý frorn trees~ of forty cour- tries besides the United States. anci he will tell true stories, which hc sayýs are st ranger than fiction. There is. for instance, the Cow~ tree that gives milk, the Sandpaper tree, that has leaves of sý,indpapcer, There are trees that poison and tha t strangle. and there are treùes that are sacred to tribal chiefs andi goddesses. His lecture wiil be illustrated with samples of the woods. One is so heavy that. it will outlast the .finest metal, and one is a feather- weight. In his collection. are many turnied vases of wood.s with such rare color that one must sec to. believe.u The prograrn is arrariged by Mrs. George H. Crarmpton, first vice.- regent of the chapter. The regent. Mrs. Reid R. Bronson. will px'e-, side. Mrs. Kenneth De Garmo, social chairman, has chosen to pour at the tea table Mrs. William P. Bissell and Mrs. Gair Tourtellot of thoý Homestead. Evartston. to D. A. R. Group

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