Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 52

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to Enjoy Atter- Luncheon Bridge. The North Shore Alurnnae club of ýPi Beta Phi wilI hold its sec- ond meeting, of the year at 'the home of Mrs. L. R. Dillett, 2500 L.incoln street, Evanston, onFn- .day, October 21. The memfibers ; will gather. at 12:30 for luncheon,& and- will play bridge later in "the afternoon. Hostesses, for the,.daywill be MÉs. Harold . 1. Taylor. of Wilmette: Mrs. RobertHIrvin ofWinetk; from Evanston, Mrs. Lynn E. Aldrich, Mrs. Earnway Edwards, Mrs. Marý- eus Aurelius, Mrs. Edward M. Tor- com, Miss Georganne, Rundal, miss;. Virginia Torcom, Mrs. George Rich. ,.qý mond, Miss Rita Pool, and Mrs. 0. Robert Whitaker, and, fromn Ch!- - -Qr2 I___ cago, Mrs. Artur Jes, r.he weflknown noveist, keii- The program for the entire year neth Horan, whom the North has been outlined. Luncheons. lec- Shore dlaims as resident, wîll tures, and bridge wili figure highly give the second revieuw in the in the activities. Meetipgs,-wfllI4,e siets sponsored by the ,North held the third Friday of every month. Shore. Vassar club Fridayj morn- The November 19 meeting will take ing, October 14, at 10:30 o'clock place at the home of Mrs. Fred in the FreicI room of the Geor- Schroeder in Wiette. Mrs. E. L. gian hotel. Doni Lovinýg Photo Middleton of Evanston will tell what happened on the Pi Beta Phi Euro- pean tour she conducted last sumn- mer in'a talkon "Pi Phis Play in Author WiIt Present eon and. bridge. will be enjoyed by.. te review wnicn will oe the s.econdt the- alumnae.. A sale of various' program in the series of book talks things made at the Pi Beta Phi given, in 'the. French room of the settiement school, in Gatlinburg., Georgian hotel Friday morning, Oc- Tenn., will be conducted nt this tober 14, at 10:30 o'clock, by Ken- meeting. neth Horan, Evanston author. "My "Fourth of July in Old Mexico"' Son, My Son." by Howard, Spring, will be the which Anita "Rebecca- by Daphne duMaurier," subje wtion and "The Journals of Bronson AI- Wiflets Burnham will speak at the cott" edited by Odell Shepard, will meeting to be held on January 20, atbetelerueupn hihMs the home of Miss Rita Pool, Evans- floran will'comment. ton. The anniinl hrnifit - d.tqr The Dana Hall Alumnae tiori of Chicago is holding a for members Wednesday, 26, at 12 o'clock, at the1 Athietie Club of Chicago,* 6 Michigan avenue, There will be a, business and. election of officers of. ciation of the year 1939. The officers and board year 1 938 are: Mrs. C harl .Leod, president : Mrs. C'arc vice-president; Mrs. James ard, secretary; Mrs. Jarr max, .Mrs. John Lewis, Mirs Boone, Mrs. Roderick Ott waukee, IMcrs. George E Tildien; ex-officio, Mrs. Willi« mund, Mrs. Franklin B. Bow ,S Eugene Séhobinger. Mrs. Garard.- whose hory .50 Woodley road,. Winnetka, ing reservations. for the luii AM Kenilworth Club The first dinner bridge seasôn is taking place att ilworth clubý Friday eveni tober 21, with dinner servicc o' cloek. I Ix charge of the eventa Robert P. Warren, Mrs.2 Gilbert, and Mrs. Howard smnith. Miss. Virginia Little Chairmon associa- luRiéheorIi October and Mothers to, Be Tea. Ouests. Womnan's The Evanston and North Shore ~26NothAlumniae chapter of Kappa Alpha meeting Theta and. the Theta Mothers' the as.so- club wi11 join forces to entertain frheTheta.pledges and their miothers les Mac- at a tea in the home of Mrs. Mark ol. Alton, W. Cresap, Woodley road. Win- L. Ga r- netka, on Wednesday afternoon. -nes Tat- Oct ober 19, from 3 to 5 o'clo)ck.ý ofs Mail .Receiving ith Mrs. Cresap .will oatceler oe *Mrs, H. -A. Morrison, alumn.ae .am Séeg- president. and: Mrs., Beverly W. Howe. pi'esident of the mothers. xes. ýMrs.. Ma ry Louise Trowle. is president of me1 is at' the .college chapter,' and Katherine à.tak- Co-chairmen for the afternoon are, icheon. M~,rs.- Richard F.NotnadM. Walter P., Steffen. They have asked Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett. Mrs. George Mrs:* Walter Strong, Mrs. Robert G. othsBear, Mrs. C. Robert Moulton, MrF. the en-Carl S. Williams, and IVrs. Clarence th. Oec- W. Leigh to preside at the tea tables ýe at 7:30 The twenty-five Theta pled.ges of Tau chapter of Northwestern univer.- s ity who will be guests of honor are are Mvrs. Buelah Breuer, Joan Hays, Jean Allan T. Hruby. Mary Frances Janotta, Rose, Ti Good- mary Murningharn. Betty Norris. e is tak- Jean -Ten Eyck, of Chicago, Norma.- .****ý**, ...U..st,.,arie L.ea- Wauwautosa, Wis., K at.h e r.in Schwaln. Oshkoýh, Wis,: Kathrine Wenger. Monroe, Wis.: Mary. Wilson, Hammonid. Ind.: Jean Gray. Cleve- Sland. Ohio: Jeani Tait., Washington. D. C.: Janet Stoltz. Ottumwa,. I.owa:, 'Louise Reynolds. Orna ha, Neb.: atir Betty Neal, Tulsa, Oklahoma. The committee 'assisting Mrs. 'Nor- ton and Mrs.. Steffeni includes Mrs. Court W. Toel, Mrs. Walter W.,Nor- sale chairMan;, diward .. Ircom, .i1vanston, ient sehool chairman.,* her home at 35 Wirnette for Tuesday at 1:-30 ? event next clock. Moffeýtt Photo. assistant nostess. The program will be highlights of reunion, and a program of folk songs byi Kathryn Harbisoni. WILMETTE LI1F E on, r

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