Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 26

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ýt. to approve or reject ,ndrn.ent-s inthe State vTEý.YES.VOTE FIS Vi Ma SIE SSTIM voitE TuS mot. 8, manicing Dystem. RemoValof double liability will stimulate the purchase of bank stock and' give banking facilities to, corn- eunities that are without themn and strengthen the existing batiks. A Constitultional Amendment comn mittee,- with headquarters at 127 W. Madison street. Chicago, haz- been formed to inform voters of, the de- sirability of voting for the ,amend- ments. Its members from this il0th) congressional district are.as follows: Benjamriin F. Affleck, Wmnnetka; Dennis F.,. KeU1y. Lake Forest,; *rs. B.-F. Langwofthy. Winnetka:. Fr. nest J. Kreutgen. Chicago..and 'Mrs. Martin Kent Northarn. Evanstn.. Proed àAmendmnents Vie, proposed amnendmnents are tc Sec tions 5,, 6,_7 and 8 of Article XI. which follow: Section 5. No state bank _ýha1l here,, after be created, nor shall the state ov.n or be liable for an>' stock-in any cor- poration or joint stock conpany or as. sociatiori for banikixxg purpos-es. no .v. cre- ated, or to lbe hereaft.er created. No act of the general a-sernbly aulhorizinE or çreating. corporatonis or assoçiatioips with bariking powvers. wlehrof issue. deposit or discount, nor. amendments thereto. shall go into effect or in an,. manner be in force unleSssthe same shall be submitted to a vote of the people 'at the general elect,,or. next succeeding the passage of the sam'e. and 'De a.pproivec by a majority of ahil the voe cast ýat such election for (_r aFairzst such lw Section 6. Every sýtock-holder in a banking corporation or mstitut.on Shahl be individually responsible and lhable to its creditors. over and above the amnount of stock by himi or her held. to an- amount equal to his or ber respective shrs hed.for all tS: habilities ac- sanctioned. Eer bat-kin2 association< now. or w'hicl'î max h ereafter be organ- ized under the la%,, s of t~ state. shal niake and pubiish a full .and accurate quarterly statemnent of tS aflairs iîwhich * shall be certi.fied to. under oath. by onie or more of its ofricers>. as may be pril 'ided 1w la.% Section 8. If a general banking law shahl be enacted. ii shall providt2 for the rgtxyand countersigning, by an of- ficer of state, of ail bills or paper. credit. to the full aamount thereof. to be deposited wýith the state treasurer. in ULnited States or Illinois çstah stocks, to be rated at less such acts receive the affirmative Whl tel' ovrin onrs votes of flot less than two-thirds of ile pte w goengCongries- 7the .elected members of each House dosinapotefltStoatheracaer ofe 1of the General Assembly. .Çongress to hold a Civil Service *Proposed section 8 repealsthe pro-) * ~j5j1-1ofpreentsecio 6 nakngcommission competitive examination., stokhoder ofà tat. bnk iabe Mr. Church follows, this procedure stokhoder ofa Sate bak hbl order to make his selection on the to the creditors 'of the bank. overmetsoth"cnias the* amount of stock, held by suth idvda stockholders for liabilities -of the ad giveý every boy who - resides iii. * bnk hsdistrict equal opportunity 'to gaili Proposed section' 7 proides. that napitet no bank shall hereafter be permitted The Civi evc oms~x to issue money -or-bis to, circulate makes up the . examination and as money and- replaces present sec- grades£ the papers. Mr. Church stat- tions 7 and B8 regulatîng the issuance. cd he .%ouldrmake the appointment s ol money by banks. Banks 'do not, just as so on as he is..,Irhishëd thtu nôow issue mony.) re§u1ts. by the commission. Trevias Try o oget Bitter Pili of Saturday 's Defeat by Waukegan- .HIpe for efrlm ik bc lr counted the lone tuelh- Lads Frim, M.iorton High down for1 the Shdýre ponies.. By ;Woody Wilson1 Stillitrving hard tochoke dumi the bitter pihi of their 7 to 0 licking at the hands of Waukegan hast Satur- day.. New Trier this week \vorked hard. and hoped for better fzýring ,igaîn.ýti Mortoni. who in\'ades the -i nus ilW àih pyaprelinm th\oto.S Vrda:y ùt 12::30, &clock.. I1rkud fîo cnd 'bythu pot pu- formoa nce ()f the varsity Tr'iernien- in' the Waukegan __urprise. Coacheýs. Walte -Aschébach, H-arold Cat,ýnî. -4'i4dPaul Delaporte did s4ofl'u.e .! vising of Mfe- regtular line-Lip. Ilt; the ge.tud y ~airie. grey-grecners or* the IM1ortonites a f, j'Çvestrength .500 average, since thelQcàls' have F.ud Harrî- 1sahi1 owjaro."Howie- p1a-,ed conhy a single officiai, con- iich, pqý in ost of the New Trie, test-th Waukean ' ceiens.ve stî'ength ast tîme, as far a tes-th Wakeganaffair. the imeinen are concernied. Ray Scheihehý Coa,'ch Kenneth Funkhouser Zind \.ho is aiwa\s depenocable. dic hus usua! hi s lads' didi rather well 'for them- share. He is first-string 1 éft end.1 1 Substitute Art BoynZitb. caUght the seves in the frosh-soph eye-opener, crowýa',s ancy with a sp'ectacular catch emergmi1 g with a 6 to 6 tic. Fuili- of a forwýaFca pass* when lhe %vent in ýa! end spot. It \was the longest Trier paîî: -~ -~--*of the day, This bothered lhe coaches. - because ý,s Mr, Caton expressed it. '\%e've got the best ends ini ihe league, and the passers niever seeni to thrî'ow ~.~YES /, for such Purpose be pending within -arîe 'year af ter this amendment becomes ef- fective. FoHoing are briefed éxplana - tiosof'the proposed amendmen ts:I Recent Bride Mrs. Howa'rd Earlyi was. untii lier marriage on August 27, Miss t Mildred Pieroni of Glencoe. Foi- lowing a tvedding trip to the 1 north woods, Mr. and Mrs. Early are -now at home at 345 Jefferson. avenue. Glencoe. Bernie Phuoto CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Dotrneof Atonement- will be the subjeet at the services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette Sunday morning. October 16. at Il o'clock. held .in the îedrnice at 1003'Centiral. avenue. 'Sunday uchool convenesat 9:.45.o'elock,

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