Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Oct 1938, p. 8

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«m insuras« «m & bout 40%~. LeW re*è-r% Eated A-Plu$ by best's. Co..t-to.COast serri< Aa*êoris.d repreetation and brvjice. 522 Green jDay Rd, Wlaaetk, ni. ISNOW FASH IONS Mtr with a flair for the - un- uisueJ W.11 pprfeeiate ,ýýe- l - andJ urabilit'v of 't hte-<- .jtfit-. -2ewey an Co6. THE LULLABY'SHQP 938 Spanish Ct.; No Man's, Land Wihnette 663 ~'iI would like to create such a~ pro- Booing, "the great Americafi pas-; football game or son-e 'other g-ather. cedure,. By asking for- appointments tinte" as one famed sports anr'ouflc-! ing place, wheri he was on the point Iwith 'the board difficulties' can bel er put it rather cynically, has ap- 'of yelling the things which quickly talked over and explained more fully. parently been accepted as the carne to his mind under pressure. To exDNin once apýin: The onfly "thîng to. do" when you are not sat- would hèsitate just long enough tr, kreason I- have brought, up this sub.- isfied with anything that happens 'size the matter up and see-"th'é Ject is that 'Mr. Muýllfi)rd pflaced the anywhere a crowd is gathered. other side." challenge before the public. in rnyTog aut efforts have itl-Woo)dy' Wilso opinion the challenge, should be re- curbed cons iderablY, and rpuch time 1__ 1versed. I agree.,with 'Mr. Gaffney îhas beehptton the problemn, strains,' that the schojol has spent. large sums of this unwillingness to give the -oth- ý OPPOSES ELEI'ATION of rnoney on equipment:. but in the. er "g uy" crédit when- it is due mae Editor.' WILMETTE LIFE: case >of the machine shop the eéip beser ropping out eêven at high We are.asked as citizens'of Ml- ment is flot practical. Do you have'sholfotal aes ette to express to our Board o sptwligmachine, a nlating;Smtie rdesho1cide Trustées, our individual opiions o. (r. deartment, a painting departrnent. 'are. to blamne; other instances may the advisability of grlade separati.on. hand screw machine, a srnall auto- be attributed to adults, but the high h its 'copnigbre > matie screw m rachine. a small print-; sehool students are to blame as taxes and the near satiation of our ing press? ,With this 'equipment YOU ucha n te ru.Btbonrding powver as a village. 111 crin- have starfed the bo)ys out on, pJacti- though it occurs in crowds, it is a nection therewith we are told that :: cal jobs. condition brought about by1 individ- th e onlY way we can. separate rail- IThere seemrs to be a littie misun- u0sfrwoecnutn n road a nd- highway traffic:' here. is by -iderstanding between the schàool of- agency can be held responsible. building the équivalent of*.a Chillese ficials, namnelv this: Mr.-Mulford Wallthrough the wholelrgh ftt fsuggests that 'at any time in the Greeted. by Taunts .village from north to south. Anyone towntship there may easily be 300 When Riverside High school's foot-' can forecast that that means that at I possibly 50) youne folks without ýbaiI plyers trôtted cmto the feld east eigh t streets- must cross crowd- college advantages and OUT 0F for preliminary practice for their c re a ra ihosrce WORK. 'Mr. Gaffney states that game against a much heavier New edision a e achuderpah ss. Thi some years we have more requests Trier squad last Saturday, Sept. 24. 'adIon atotche unesisTy'wal ind for students from the co)mmerce* de-, theyweeg.tdbyn ers the increased roar. of ovec-hcad. 'patmntthan we hav,%e caânidàtes tut rmtesettr h a trains. The trustee?,ý letter sa -s this to filîl the positions. Surely both 'n the bleachers close to the 'isie . neesayfrorn an enginecrin,- thee. tatmens annt b tre. utfrom the gal*e. "There îi no fresh- ~nesa~ ifthee saree tes chnomt b re.leBu- oph gamne today," jibed one fellow staindpo)int because the tracks, are- I .scornfully. from his secure seat above. read-, elevated in Evanston. ing the pupils. aWay from the advan- Weeste ariy"h le'Hrisacnetodfehaw- tages in the -hCommerce departmentHreisa hacetodife hnb when you consider aIl the. unempîo-,- another. Iv,. -ith the trustees and the eïi~ ment. "Are these the midgets?- cers. Uridoubtedjv. the- railroadF So mavhaease about IGHT There was onlv asli'aht rripl <of pefer.an elevated grade because <of this subjeet, They relate that if our schools are equipped with suchex pensive equipment wýh,, must we at- tend schools in Chica go? We spendý mnoney foolishly on other things, why not pay an unemployedc instructor who can 'further our learning hi NIGHT SCHOOL. Now that both sides have explain-. ed to some extent their points o-f view, wbvy not get together and have a friendly chait? -Fred Aschbacher. tnese fans who undoubtedly felt that sutuwaý', yet i. wowad seem as tnougn they were thus being loyal to NeCw they had disproved their assertions Trier %vere uncalled for. I fail to b.y structures alreadv in eyisteice see any reason fur 'razzing"' a boy-, On the eastern side of the village the or. a group of boys because they are j Iorth Shore. line and the -U' ris( $ma.ller than the general i-un of play- from ground level at isabella street ers opposing thern. It dî'dn't give ýto theý full heiL-ht of. eeVated, grade the Riverside players much ',ecour- at Central street, Evanston. , Along' agerment: that is certain. ' Green Bay ' road the C. & >N. W. Several Injured co mme*nces its descent to ground D.uring the progress of the cunitest level at Livingston street w,ýhieh is quite a few Riverside'players w-ere north of Central street. If that de - injured-not seriously-just1 dazed scent sta .rfed at Central street. it -Lany it. ALU ~ 'wno a'J s Djust oeen -buLu5uec' or 1WetbQ.'ze vm 'N Dluregard Goat "busted'o gels a, kirid of queer feel-ccnsier these li I12WiIu,.t$. Avenue Wilm.ee116Ô1 Ai. basebail ganter, hockey, foot- ing inside? their postal-card' _______________________bail and others demonstrations' of These. things 'which I have mena- united Wiimette we )idably, East Side, ýns would do well to, ings before mailing ballots. -E. '0. EdwardÉ. *'- e-

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