that New Trier High school has a 1 Yries, r-iiosnis, iLULrsanc ~tudent' employ ment bureau. Degrees," a publication of the col- i -There are a considerable nam- lege., They are Gross Williams, ber of boys and girls interested in Jr., Boy Demmon,, Richard. Bab- making extra money .in after school- cock, Syde riRbr aln; hours and on Saturdays and Sun-.W, la Buge, and *Howard Fogg,j dâys. In: somnecases 'this extraJr rnoney. is a ecessity tô*,keep the boy*or giîilin schéol. Inother cases or it' relieves somie of the financial form Debating Team burden from.parents andmiakes 'the fo N w Tre Gil wvhole pro blem i f. ahigh school ed ucation a littie éàsier. If anyone This: year, New Trier Higb shool( needs. a boy .to rake ýleaves, to takeJ ekpects to have :a, girls' debating down screens and put. up. .stform win- tearn, which will meet ýgirls' teamsdows or a girl to stay wîth thiltdÊrn firom other schools, -and, also com- or assist 'a. moiher, -they are urged pete with the iregu1ar debating tearm ta icalthe high schýàl, ~4-a N ew Trier. Chester E. MacLean clared by Samuel S-.,Vernon, faiïlly aâid Miss Mabelle A. Payton- wili diecorofth breu.have jit charge of' the teamn, which is so On to be chosen. I Bird Sanctuary Head Eight girls are ito try. out on, Fni-. day evening of this week, and it is WillAddrss P pil oped that both an affirmative and On Thursday of this week George a negative team can be developed. 1". Morse, Director of "Wyçhwoud. "It . ai.. been. sme time since~ a sapctuary for native. plants and New Trier has had a girl on . its birds of Wisconsin sponsored by the varsity team, but if the girls devel- University of Chicago at Lake Gen- op sufficient skill in debating, it eva. spoke to the sophomore class may bc quite possible may at New Trier High sehool,Ôn 'Wildj be chosen to that position of honor,' Anim-aIs in Captivity." ., it was added.( Mr. Morse is former director of; the Boston, zoo, Chicago zoo, and'! .Buh ~ilB Shedd aquarium of Chica go. 1 Mrs.D.H rsWilB On Monday Dr. Allen A. Stock-" tFec i,,. oIliiah Ichool. s subiect is i The New Trier French c lub w~ill nmagazine called "Thle ±eveille. I-- He wiIl come to New Trier under sions and Experiences ini America." the auspices of the speakers bureau Oflicerg for the present sèason are: o! heNatonl ssociation ofMn agery Bellows, president; Juliet ufaturrsof which he is the head. Crowder, vice president; Winifred ______________Thompson, secretary-treasurer. They O dtoý are. to be assisted in the coming year Inîvie OldGradsby several1 cornmittee heads which Pro isoGam , ct. ý along with the officers make up tihfý On October. 22 all the oid grads Fec lbpad at New Trier High sehool are in- vited to return to the aima mater A t oieC m ayt to participate in the- first annuai Automobile Company t .7 O. 211, Hil ftherldu GUIenoe. me Glencoe 124, Semu -An nual Storewide iale of -CAI-,4DUIE Most North Shore people supply their candie needs durii these semi-annual sales, for they know they always get i usual values by doing so. These are the high grade, sl- burning candiles vou like so well, and the're here in a vari of shades. New Fal and Pagtel Shodes 14- & 18-lic Personcul Oreeting Cards 50 for $1.95 ... with your name Select your personal greeting cards now, and have that one Christmas item off your mind. These are quai- ity cards, and you may buy 50 of them, with your »MNAN 3Q/AX L A>&S4 ing) un- ) ooi