Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1938, p. 62

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~Superitendent acccients is a scientitc matter _______________...that the, approach must be one -, of cold-blooded. analysis to, separate REGRDIG TIER and understand the, so-calledfacter--s Sentemiber 30. 1938 that enter into our accidents. Editoýr.,WILNETTE LiFE: I hae rad jthintres th leter The engineers will put a micro- fro M. scbaea. n ou îstscope oh the conditions of the road. week's publication. and, from a ta or hepliean dmn-tatre wl payer in this publication ith refer- chec the performance of th- driver ence to the conduict -of New Trier with thé traffic laws, -and from this Tow%%.nship High school. check the owner of a car may lose It i flt stan~. cosidringthehis license to drivé or other penalties number of pupils attendjng' the may, be inflicted for mistakes or school. that there aeocsoa i-misde meanors. mprehensions. In fac}, it is ýstrange But after c..hec king-off thephysical' that there are not more, than We condition of the car and the. road- heqir of. j way ýand. agreeing that public of-' The first.suggestionii s that we are'ificiais 'must do their. duty and in- d.iiiniz nothine to prepare students! sist.on reasonable conformity to the whsèeuaio nd ih ihestablished rules of the road - after school. consjdering every factor. will the, As a matter of fact. this sýubjectaverage driver and the average pe-1 hns. rceived ,coitinuous. earnest at-., destrian submit, to the- conitrols and' tenitioni from the Hif 1g School board. restraints imposed by the technicians 1 vwonder if Mr. Aschbaker has visit- and law. enforcemnent bodies unless ed miur manual training departmenf, they are in sympathy and under- Our woodýworkiing departmnent. our stand they should obey the safety radio sehool, our automobile shop. rules? anid the like? Understanding Needed. These are particularly designed 11c icusnsft roeton ae give practical training to those who ty csigsaeypoecin ae probably will not continue oni aftoer penalties, discipline, and educa- graduaýtinig from high school. tion with a glroup of leading c1tizens The quimen fo thse epat -recently.. 1 was emphatically re- nies eipmet nt o tee 'ear-minded that until the average citi-, --------------------- -- bt zen bas sorne sympathetic under-.1 cloing along this lUne and then to gîv usan I b The leadér in the gyroup ýsqid: -You have 'for y urthe Work whïh e - can put usall in jail. You can take1 da o. ute wih c ouir property away from us. You do sue.o ht h ih ho- can attempt to crtush us. But in board is very mucb alive- to thisVfend ouWl understand t~ problem , mailtii te majority o *f is accept tue As to the letter frorn "a taxpayer": iesufltg."yo il-nelr e I note that we have about 2-7MO ptipils The teacbing and acceptance of in New Trier High school. Obviously,saeyofcprtonwtthp- anysuc nube ofyoug-People lice for protection of the bighways, will belong to_ a large number ofjral esdwnt h pairn IN SPITE OF EVERYWTIINGI Editor, WIL METTE LIWE: This Silver Jubilee of the National, Safety CouneiL reminds us. of the 1p P .W piy par 1ty. Make it so ;hat thé others in the able to afford a party. jLet there be lots of fun. Let clever- ness, good spirits and ingenuity rule in ~ead of money: Make up some neu gamnes. Use the radio for music or, furnîsh each guest with a mouth- organ. If thé spirit be right the 1money will not count. Teach your cbild that money is only one commodity and that on.e mny be happywithay vwery littie of it. Start something new! I kno,% il tcaà' be done. Mis I>W-M-- WNjX inrl mk1 CHALLENGING MR. -ICKES EDITOR WILM4ETTE LIFE: In reply, to the letter of. Public Works. Administrator }Harold L Ickes in y ou r issue of Septerâbejr 29. and the venting of his spleen- against the -Chicago Dailyv Tri-, bune.". I bold no brief for the Tiuî and. tbink it fully capableof takitig care of itself. But. why do ail New Dealers, from the chief cook à nd boi - tie washer down, hate the *TribUn&,* so> intensely? Is it because that newspaper bas so unerringly "ca lied the turn" on thè effects of New Deal policies- before they beca me operative,. and on. atternpted Ne-w Deal legisiation even when Neu' Dealers denied any . intent to I)- pose sueh legislatioin? compare the two -with the resits. I challenge Mr. Ickes to quote wha-t the "Tribune- said in 1936 about the administration's plan to pack the Suiprerne court. -then state wbat .he saîd about it-. and comn- Pare the t-wo with *what. ctuallvý -happgned. I challenge MrI. Ickes to quote. the "Tribune" on the AAA, then state what he said about it, and compare the two with the record of happ~eni-ngs. epted for the good of the in- Dick Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. l, his farnily and what we cali William Taylor, 1133 Central avenue, who graduated from New Trier-ijgh- W. -W. Cameron school in June, left September 15 to. Managing director, enter, bis freshman year at Blàck- National Safety Council, Inc, Iburn college, Carlinvill'e, i. * I.aLy iiel *not plan t4e Ju m1 rac/ ~'PP 714 Church Street Evanston,

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