Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1938, p. 52

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Miss Ohman's Wed- ding to Rex Martin Friends of Miss Hiarriett Ohman. 4aughter of Mr., and Mrs. E. Wil liam Ohman- of Niles Center. and Rex Leslie Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C., Martin. 021 Tenth street, are giving a niumber of prenuptial' parties before 'the wedding -of the, young couple, which. will take .lace, Saturday afternoon in the chapel of the First Presbyterian chure-h. in Evaniston.. Miss Ohman for- -merly lived in~ Wilmnette... The.yun women employees in Miss Obman's office at the Federal Resrve thank in Chicago gave a ,; O.Brown at Home Ceremony In the presence of about One hundred guests, Miss Mary Eliz-I abeth Potter becanie the bride of Norman Oliver Brown of Bris- toi, England, Saturday aftern'oon, October il,'in the home oiflher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Potter of',25 Chestnut' avenue. Wilmette. For the. ceremnony at 4 o'clock, which was perfornied by the Rev. John G. Hîndley, Miss Potter wore aý dress of white satin, brocade and a ue veil cpped with orange blos- soms. Her -flowers w e r e whité roses, sweet* peas. and .chrysan- themums. The bfide's only attendant. hei s'lÉter'; ETlaxnor, wà9 d1resged in a gown of deep rose, and carried pink roses and pink chrysanthemns Britamn Harris of Philadeiphia qer'-- ed the bridegroom as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have takeii ai three-week motor trip to Mexico., after which they expect to unake their home in Chicago. Miss Eleanor Potter. whosiu -ji- gagement was announced earIly this year, Aill become a bride iii De- September 24, Mrs. Arno Weller, Jr.. the former Betty Brewer of Glencoe, whose home j .s now in Chicago, was hostess at a pantry shower for both Miss Ohrnan and Mr. Martin, in her grandrnother's home in the Edge- water Beach apartments. ,Mrs. William T. Jones of Wilmette and her son, Arthur, gave a tea and kitchen' shower fer- the bride and bridegroorn on Sunday, September shower in honor or tne bride at Miss Hoffenkamp's home in Chicago.ý Mrs. Arthur Mooney of Chicago entertained at a bridge party and miscellaneous shower, last .Friday. The wedding rehearsal will be held .?riday evening of this week, afier which the bridai party will be en- tertalned até the bride's home. A itag party will probably 1be given this week by the best man, Laurence Buckmaster of Kenilworth, but plans avenue, WUrnette, formnerlv of Winnetka$ was married in an evenîng ceremonyj at the North Park Covenant chnrch in Chicago on September 17, to Gordon A. Norberg, son of Mr. andi Mrs. A. J. Norberg of Chica go. Off :ciatng at the cerernonhi, which was followed by a reception in the church partors, was the bride's brother-in-law, the Rev. George E,' Steele of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, assi.ted by the Rev. Arthur Bowman, pastor Of. the church. and is a brsdegr alla, Park college niversitlj. He e the ijounu Ai Gottschalk in Session Oclober 13 The Women's Missionary society- of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will meet on Thursday, Octo- ber 13, at 1: 30 o'cIock, in the, Wom- an's room. Mrs. Roy S. Lundin, president, urges a complete attendance for con- sideration 'of important business. Mrs.. Ralph Moulding, chairman of the entertaineci at dinner ini h( axid Mrs. Elliott Foster of1 ii- at the c] cordially n are oan Country Lvited., Lie, were i±vanston who is, to be marrled the ;a lunch- end of this month to Allen M. Ross- ie Illinois man, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Rossmnan, 1130 Chestnut avenue. WILMETTE LIFE

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