Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1938, p. 22

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A tab le that is popu- lar with the host 'be- cause of the ease of its operatioln,-Qp.ens automatically with the tùrn ,of a lever. CUSTO Il-BUILT .ý..VENETIAN BLINDS of unrivalled BEAUTY- QUALITY and STYLE at pries to please your. purse! * Incorporating ail th e newest refine- ments known in the industry- plus unsurpassed workrnanshlýip and materials - inakes our Blinds the best buy for the mnoney today and that also iS true of Ormodernistc Cornicez anid Tie-Êac1s. * Why flot let one of our representatives cail and give you a iree estiniate and tel you about our diýided paymients, if de- sired. No obligation, jujst phone or drop 6us a postal. IT à&,L ONG PHONE STATE 8198ý ners averted* defeat. at trie nanus u± Emerson last Saturçlay, finally gyet- ting thermselves a 6-6 tie. New Trier meets Waukegan on the lattèr's field Saturday in their first suburban league encounter. Evansto.n. figured by> most obs erv- eèrs to be cornparat.ively, weak this yea r. Pulled a fast one by upse.tting one of the :strong .favorites,. Wauke- gan'. bv alone tuu)tchdown last week- end. Nevv Trier is eased a bit by ï his' information, but expects -a tougher fight in licking, Waukegan because the frame of mind wh ich Waukegan . ill be in is most danger- p us to victory-seek ing opposition. LThere will be -a freshman-so'pho- mnore curtain-raiser to the Saturday varsity:.gameý at Waukegan. Long, Loud Snorting* There was long. and loud snorting donce by local non-New- Trier boost- ers concerping the manner in which the grey and green counted their touchdown, which was definitely à put in play by Emerson t'fOs their ow\.n goal line. Dick Durr of the loca:]s as rushing in towardi the bal-carrier at the instant the ouval' Mot ouit of the latters control. Strikir-.g ,sDurr on the leg. the bal bounded into the end zone, where amïd a flurry of frantic pl1ayers, George Terzakes pouncied on lit. Under the. rules this conistituite.s a touchdown, though spectators were som-ewhat mystified since. .such a Christ. Scientist. on Su.nday, Octo- ber 2, The golden text was, "Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity: for. va.nity shall be his recompence" Job 1:.) Arnong the citations whiéhch CO pris.ed the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: . Behold, the Lord GOd will corne with strong hand. and hiis arrn .shall ride for him: behold, his .rewa,,àrd is ,mith hlmn,. and his .work before him. Ail nations before hlm'are as no'thIng; and theyv -ire accourited to hlm less th.an inoth- ing. and vanity- (Isaiah 40:10,. 17). The lesson-serinon also, includeci the following passages 'from the' Chri stian Science textbook,. "Science and Health with Key to the Scrilp- tures." bý ,Mary Baker. Eddy: ýFromn beginning to end, whatever is mortal is cornposed. of niaterýiaIl human beliefs and of nothinms vise( That only is real which reflecîs Gue;t"d (p. 478. . M. P. Gaffney Attends Education Sessions On Monday and Tuesday of thiîs week, Superintendent M. P. GafTnev of .New~ Trier High school attenided meetings of the state coordinators, of the discussion groups. a project spon'- sored by the American Association of School Administrators of the Na- ChdId to School Now is the time to have chii- dren's eyes examined to avoid interruptions te studies later. Be Sure~ L'eneral shfxt. ruinyný of the visitInr ois backs haci New T'rier o itAs collective, heels. It was ail Emerson, evei ito loyal On Friday and Saturdav ()f this Triérites. lekM.Gfnyi tn n et Per-haps,. a littie iess einohlaticalliy it wekM.Gafe s atnîn et %%as afl Neu Trier duringý the last pair ings of the Missouri association of quarters. The powýerfu.l Trevianuilne 'Of secondary school principals at stiffened iÛzeIf detensivel ' . siteigth e University of Missouri, at Co-. for the rnost part those end runs that luba rIafnyi otk looked-oh so danigerous. previouc;l,'. A ilmi. M.Gfnyi otk deterrnined mardi toward the onoonents' part in the program of one of the double stripe during the third franie b.y ine eti ngs. the seconid çtrin fenture-i the half. but power to culminate the attempt succesaz- Mr. Gaffney's subject. when he fully was lacking. eveii though the regu- addresses the conference will be. Theà'Fi 702 Church St. Evanstou Phone UNL 18a8 j-. w..u eise perhaps erphot e replied: - I can't *say who you ;ake a picture of, because when le starts there's going to be 11 igplayers on the' field for is putting it. pretty cleverlv.ý T H E BLUE PARROT 1551. JSHER-MAN A VENUE EVJANSTON, ILLINOIS lI'1 1118 ]Builders Bldg. LaSa lic at Wacker Tùight

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