Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1938, p. 20

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*Wilmette. Phi Kappa Psi William J. C., beslié, Wi.nnetka.1 Delta Tau Delta: Richard Wood- I bury Farwell, Wmnnetka: Thomas, William Wilcox, Winnetka, Chii Psi: Wilard Charles MIcNitt. SJr. Winnetka;, Jame-s Braddocký Hurd, Barrington. V'illge O01ciaI's Brother James Knight of Sedalia, 'Mo.,î ~flM DI1brother of Harry W. ý Knight, assist- COM PL"* ant to the viillage. manager. of- Win-: ~ netka. %vas pledged to Delta Kappa, INSURA NCEpsilon. his brother's fraternity. .He ~ entered from Deerfield academy. PROTECTION Sam Carson- and James Gilfillan. both o! Giencoe, who formerly at- FRMtended New Trier, and who, nee Amherst this year frimý the Berk- shïre, school. were aiso pled ged to-- fl Chi Phi. E B ! E R iL E Charles George Taylor, New Trrier 35 and Amherst . 39, the son o! IMr.. INBURANCE AGENCY. and Mrs. Carson Taylor o! Winnetka. 8, e. ~is manager of the varsity track tearx Gri. By d.Wn.t,858 and chalrman of the unega'ut U Gren ay d. Wýnnfka committee. which will celebrate the Rapp uildng th anriversary of Phi Delta Theta RappBuilingat Amherst on Nov. 12. On Actodemy 'Stiff ç pt'. C-IârZe7kremer. Jr.. 723 Laurel avenue. Wilinette. lias. joined the staff of the Wentworth Military Acadeiny. Lexington. Mo.. where he will teach in the EniglUsh depa rtm ent. He twas formerly . the recipient of the President's Schofrirship at Col- gate universitij. Hamilton. N. 'Y.. a7id hli h61ds A.B'.afýd AM. de- grees fromt Northwcestern 7ciii versit y.. He taught in Evansto)i before doing to Wentwvorth. township are memoiers of this as- sociation. Since the rnerbersby;, of the division j,; approxirnatcly 4,.500. it is necessary to split the group into two sections. The north section wili mneet at the Evai,,ston Tco%\nship High school. thé, souýth section at. theMronT nhi R igh schoo]. Cicero., Thc prograrn chairman. Ben Bail of., Highland Park. has. arraiwed to) have al aspects. of education j presented. Dr. Bruno !Rossetti will *nationalist. Dr. Reuben Shiw. pros1- dent of-, the National Education associat ion. xill speak as a nation- aiist. The state and local problems confronting education wil be prù- sented by :'.Iiss Susan Sculiy. presi- dent of, the. Illinois . Education association, and Ben Sylla, president of the Lake Shore. division., The Chicago high school A C - 2pella choir under the direction David ýNyvail will demnonstrate ehu- rai work frorn the standpoint of har- mony and tone mnemory. The nem-.- bers of the choir are selècted frorn ail of the Chicago high schoois, and Mr. Nyvail is supervisor of music for the entire. Chicago system.i. A. simnilar demnonstration uas put oný at the annual meeting of the V-'1 linois Education association held LH Springýfjeld last December. B.arle F. J- Head several months. A resident of the communitv for. the ,past. four years, lie formerly lived in Rogers Park. He was man- ager of the Evanston branch of' the Cadillac Motor company and was ýa member of the BobO'Linik Country, club. He was, 39 years of age. He is survived by his .widow, Ad- elaide; by a son, Earle Lloyd; and by a daughte*r, Barbara, Funeral services were held on Tuesday after- noon at his home .with privite in- 9/ortli cfhor C)(Most ý 2500 RIDGE ROAD, E-VANSTON - 'Y '42G6 is former terminal Wilmiette. flospitai. .-sther TfleiseiI owner and operator of the Dairy, 417 Fourth street,.' pmITERm u *

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