IJZe iA' In We Uassocatio, on thesec- ond, floor of Wilmette, State* bank building, 1200 'Central avenue, and * will be under .the: supervision éf Lloyd G. Gage, 414 Laurel aventue.' The budget commiittee, which held its meeting on Monday evening of last week, has now completed its * work. The ôrganlizations accepted for participaàtion in the Chest fund, gre the. samfe as last year. Follow- ing is a complete list of the bene- ficiaries, together with the ainounts allotted: LisI Behoiclarles Wilnette* Family Wellare association ............. $5,500 Wilmette Health Center ...4,000 Arden Shore association-...5.00 Cons'der Edward H. Drewea, 1627 Waah- ington avenue, wiUi be formaflv instafled as commander of WiL- mette Post No. 46, Amer4can Legionr, Tueadai, eVening, SeP- tembe'r 27, at ceremoniea in the Shawne-ountrt club. Carlos Photo euuatin i; *.Fi> ,bIaMW uAvrsiLy. He is a notod philosopher and thinker i the field of education. Ris Most recent book, publlshed this spring, I18 Progressive, Educatlon at the Crouaroad&": Dr. Bode flot on*18i a torceful spe*er but holds hia aÀudi- ences with his penetrating wit. This meeting 18 -sponsored by the North Shore branch of the Progres- sive Education association and 18 open to the public. This meeting opensaa meries which will bring to' tbe North Shore noted, speakers on several areas of human relations as educa- tio», publie welfare, ýbusiness, laIbor, religion, and politica. the resuits of a post card referndum on the proposition to construet à storm sewer designed to prevent th* damnage and Inconvenience cauued lé the flooding. of basement. vr ag areas of the village durizng teco burst of J une 30 and Ju1lr 1. The board# by moeans of pubiIeity and other methods, had efflht t,> au- certain Just how exteWmàfe 'tle daMi. age tromIn ooded basements b.4 been, afid how many haones had bm affected. This not proving effective in bringing the- desired informatio4 lb was decidedto conduet a post c.td referendum. Letter, .acçomipanied by a .return post :card reàulringn" ýerica--- of Cincinnati and has tV of Wiltnette for 18 past 17 years ho ha& er for the Wilmette ElmerJD. iBecker.1 fare and ballyhoo, d be placed upon .an ir solicitation. ,Coflecti overhead are to be 1 mum s0 that. a grec of the gi dollar w. caf rq.,f.,Gbp mrt a- mini- WINS AR~T SCHOLARLSHIP oportion Miss Virginia Goodrich, 1228 Lake nto the avenue, Wilmette, ha's won a de- charit- 1 artmental scholarslip in art, accord- Work Begins on~ -w È - w- A of the: