Petition Board to Get Tracks Off Greeneaf Eighty-Five Property Ownere Sign, Plea; CIajm Raltroad li Monac to Safety A. petition slgned by 85 property owners, on Greeenleaf avenue. w as presented to the Village boar4 Tues- day nigh, inmwhich 'that body was in, Receiver Move Lateet develooments ithe setrîke situation that has tied up the North Shore e lectrie Uine sice Aùgust 16,' give, some promise that' at, least a temporary agreement may soon be reached that wlll permit the rôad te resunie its long iterrupted serv- ice to North Shore communities. The re-ceiver for the road. Col. A. A. Sorague, went ito federai court Wednesday. nsklng that he be permitteàd tn neeotipte a labor con- tract wlth Division 900 of the Amal gamnated Associa tinn of Street. Mlec- tric Rsil.way and Motor Coach Em- Wtt Return, to Winter. Time Sunday Morning- :ln acçordlance wlth the prac- tice, prevalent in Chicago and suburbs «Since World war day'u, residents of North Shore com- munities will return to central standard time at 2 o'clock niext: Sunday morning by -turnig dlocks back one hour. Suburban trai schedules wll be revised to accommodate comn- mutors, and church and civie ac- tivities will follow the change i time. Daylight savig timne has been in eftect ithe ares SiCè'the' Takes Action;* ...Data Prepred. ilagle Manager Kaenig sWfruh4, fo -Prepal* Apprmagfon fer PWA Fundi Wilmette has.dégnitely embarked, upon agn effort to brig about separ-' ation: of the gades of, Itus freets with- the tracks ci the ChicagO & la d. *mpi ?and flrst ýe Comimer on, whiclh ribuUUQflon Satura - "interest of economy, to curta 'ns and waIls are se e and vibration; chedules. ing heavy trains 1 HOME FJWM ANTIOCH :s at high speed, Mrs. Sarah D. Krlebel' and h( franchise for the family, 619 Maple avenue, returnE avenue expired home Swuday from Antioch, aft( spendig. the summer et their co at I n the of ss&- 1ical much informa icludlng ei is, estimates over d and th use oi several The Public