bons, trophies and points in the~ On- wentsia judging ring in Lakce Forest, "Your dog does not have to'- be registered with the American Kennél cluýb to be eligible in the Northbrook sho W," sald'Miss Emily Schweitzer, *club secretary. "If it is not reg- istered,.you merely pay a listing féee to ýcover the expense mncurred by the *American Kennel club isetting up a card file for your dog, uponwih *111 be kept a record of its winnings. Thén,, if you register the dog later, the A. K. C. will be able to give your dog full credit for its accomn- plishments before that time,". she; continued. AUl 81:es, Ereeds "You do not have to have any "aiQnra ri*nfnrnimo4,i ni iwie to enter the dog i the Northbrook show, and whether or not you' have such records has nothing to do with your dog's chances. The judge ,wilI not know whether your dog la reg- istered, or anything else about it. Ail he will see is the dog as it is brought to the judging ring, and lie will make hls'> decisions according- ly," she concluded. Ms Ether Matn, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Morris Manin, 516' Fil th street, Wilmette, recently ac- cepted a position to teach. in West High school, Green Baù,. Ws. Miss Mannn la inatructor in, English, speech, 'teratur e an&d drama. After graduatlng from the North- western university, $<choolof Speech, in June~, 1937, Miss Manin taught ticell<> college for six months, and directed two plays. Skie was recommended for the Post at Green Bay by .Deaft Ralph Dennis of the Northwestern unlversity, School of Speech. NORTHERN* GRAPEFRUIT 1 mmà*#i WXK FLAKES * LARGE O ROLL 5 CAN SC BOX TOMATO SOUP ...3 eZ1 HEINZ SAKED IVQRY SOAP IONA SHAS FAKUS PEACWS 2]îjA15e 2FL3E' %~5 CHASE & SANSORN coFFEE. DOLE PINEAPPLE iulel! 46-OZ. 4r, CAN a#% AMERICAN FÀMILY FLAKES 21 -OZ.19 WHITE LINEN SOAP FLAKES. PELS NAMTA BARi4 *.. S-LB. PKG. 2 SC I can L-oy macaesterLt-i-rLrer -Lu has been highly Jnfluentlal i larizmng these seven-pound bu of 'intelligence. Hie plans to -Junie of Balley Mooney" and ley Mooney Sugar". o*LB. BAG 13c Among the citations which com- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the followlng fromn the Bible: "I applled i Imine heart to know, and te search,[ 3-LB. BAG 39c, , l 38ý lýIHILbeeri-