Flie 10ACTUW »Y. C.ehro W ertbi active boy must heeurdy mmd'have whnt it toe.. ots an immo H.kceyer Plus F04W Kuiken, buaht towathtend huaw.rd w.lby arem iLy 11smpd have Kuitemft Bottamas Primadet.. ..................................4 OIhsr fro 11*te S5 5. $ Corduroy .SLACKS $2.95 Cordurýoy.,>. for KIDDIES wrn I& tlft tes St ce George L. Carey, Jr., ktiown to his friends as "Bud," left Fridaii moTflinfg for Tri nit y college at Hartford, Conn, where lie las wonl the St. Paul's Troy seholar- sh:p. He is the son el Mr. and MTs. George L. Carey, formelIY of 604 Lincoln avenue, Wiinetka. Sterling, AiL. gr8aouaS*xumzq university,. New Orleans, anid spent two years at the UJniversity ofXIUI-: nois. Hie is an engineer of note, and was for a, numnber o! Years with the' Central Mlinois Public Service coln- pany * ) which he was vice-president froin 1919 to 1132 The ChanuteAward was f oUnded, i 1901 by the late cCtaveé Chanute who had been president o! the 50- ciety. Mr. Chanute wag one o! the very earliest pioneers in the stud. of aircraft anld he conducted.nuiner-. ous experiments with gliders at the Sand Dunes in Indiana and contrib- uted resuits o! his studies to the 'Pntd q is worfr t'ntrib- 81.95 1148 Wilxnette Ave. % 811. Norfth o Cenral Phone Wimtette 9871 1115