* 4-SQUARE LUMBER Tlhe Denstrotion House Featuires: 4-Square Certified Douglas Fir Joists.. the straight,. strong, vertical-grain,ý low-moisture-content. lumber, f ree from any knots (refer illustration). 4-SSquare Western Red CedarSidingwihi ide, clear and satin-smooth. 4-Sq uare Western Red Cedar Shingles, thick and husky: to make a lifetime roof of beauty. 4-Square Western Pine Trim, to reflect the beauty and mellow- *INSU LITE WalI of PROTECTION4 BILDRITI SHEATING ... the strong, warrn weatherproof sheathing p roclaimed the best by its use in the majority of fine homes ul on the North Shore. * *Truly colonial woodwork- authentic in design- the product of artisans who are able tô produce in wood the very utmost in architectural charm. The quality woodwork in the demonstration house repres ents reproductions 1208 Central Avenue SEPTEMBER 15, 1938-