in annouueing theirsgocipro- gram f«r the year 193&-39, the North Shore; alumrnae 'of Alpha ÉIû are privileeed to bave lor Miefir opemng event ()f the a an important part ini the dedica- tion of the new WWlard hall, on the e Nqoithwestefl.,UnîvergitY, camuS'west quadrangle- Last june nat"owide press no- cecs. ann@unced the interestig ac- tion taken bY Ie Ahpha phi inter-' n&aial. frternity a ssembl ed in,, ,Ooneetm'l at PaiadenIa. ta mai ~ ~.nt a me!floriai portrait R. Bronsofi, is maIing every elr to, assure a successful. afterloof., The date set for the affair iz Frilday, Sep- tember 3Ô. at 2 o'clock. The place is the Womafl's club. of EvanSton. Proced il be used for the scholar- ship furid and other philanthropies. Preceding the card playing. des- sert wil be served by the social comf- Mittee o! which, Mrs. Kenneth W. DeGarmno is chairman. Among the. many assisting ber will be Mrs. L. P., Martens of Wilmette. Most of the others are from Evanston. For those who do not caré.toplayý bridge there wvill be a dramatic reàd- ing o!Thornton Wilder's ne.W play, - - - Pý - ,-I..1:4.r. ewiflner of whch none can b. considered quite 8sojnovel, it la annunced as thiat to be held a week from next Sunday, September 25. at Harms road and. Route Ne under the joint au .spi 1ces -o!, the Mary Crané 1league and -the Towrn and Cour.nyEquest-' i'ian as sociation. Whmakes the forthcýomiflg show. stand out partîcuiarly1 is the. en- cou'ragemnent being given to: those who 'ride horses rented from ac a- demies as well as, veteran exhibit- ors, professioflal and otherwise, . who' own their horses.> No less than seven classes of competitiofi are provided for those in the aforementioned group. know%,n' Later. a style show wlll be pro- - vided by an Evanston sliôp. 'The r, models will be some of the younger -,"daughters" of Fort Dearborfl chap- ~.ter. prizes is sure noon's imterest, ed by Mrs. Ci the com hunters and juxnpers. are comng i at a rapid rate. Those wbo have not as yet entered may do so by contacting Joy Morton- P.O. Box 22, Morton Grove, who wrill mail the necessary !orms. The womnen c>! the Mary Crane league are putting extra pressure on the box and ticket sale this weelc. y #oef presçntatiOn O! r Mis WilIard will 4:15 Wednesday a!- lber 28. on the West L vilnb. e onducted Westbroôk o! Evans- riwnnift ini the wi.Ii UoIQ ME seàson at1 SeptemberZ Mrs. C. N.( Beach hotel, the new P VL ULnJI ie Edge of Win nes F. S poerri, the chr 1vice-regent, is chai s. Cowan, vice-chair cerri entertained ber ~c icheon and bridge at Lhotel. LÇfl Mvrs. project. 'TI r's sec- mamntains an. and sery fort n. Mrs. and is raisi nittee at the show Orring- The Town for its! and Cou n 1,000 m, for pleas are intereý Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Graves Of Wilmette, returned early this week !rom a motor trip to Wichita, KaRs. 1They were awayl for almost tWo weeks. the uuum for b cause anBfd thePo take p terIwou Quadn by un 7y Eq hip ii i and e .and suE clunlng WILMEtTE, LIFE