*2.00 $2..50 Our new Fali shirts completely justify the pride with which we preent them. The patterns are ail new, and the variety is complete. . Neat stripes and checks, or plain colors. Needless to say, the -patterns are ail woven, and the( shirts are tailored by such outstandin manufacturers as Wilson Bros., Arrow and Enro. Sizes 14 to 17. ( ( ( ( ( 1< ( ( I PAJAMAS By Witton Dr. New paj amas by Wilson Bros. Faultlèss Nobelt, in ahl woven W RUyMIEUOO Corne these very new and smart Blue Ridge Hand Loomed wool ties priced at $1.00. They wear and' hold their shape. Many ce*ver pu4tterna and colors. Miens Furngul.ings- Street piqor 51.65 New FailTies $1tand $1.50 Cever new ideas iii every imag- inbefabric and color. New sjik c ( ( j