Satin Silips >1< EN-DS Salturdoy, Septm aber l7,1thl Pure Dye Satin Pulb-Fashom.d ( ( I ( I ( i ( ( ( ${89 *Perfect fit *Lace trimmned or taiored *Tearose and whi te Store Hour.: 9:30 a.Im. to, 5:30 p.àse 1-31 -93 A drawstring srouud the ncck just- likê Motiier used to wear, on a checked glngham of black .and white as old as it la uow. Red accents on your throat and arm, and lots of freedom in the wide skirt ploats. Mo in brown, bine, and green plaid. Sizes 10 t. 16. Satsirday Ijotu#rs: Jumpber $195 Scandnavian in influence but in a typi- calDaeh-bmi -a*o eo »f a4tê4ns. for your two to six year older. The blouse of white organdy is bound in the same bine broadcloth. y) )