Fi» oue - bvmés& G A hiOfaIv. J.. L.a" $10o a" cooe* wiL OMS- thoee us a pOulle-PbY tbat makes sncb thinp pdxîsibfr m 'this;C'en- ty-Aurel Koinai.1 au Austrian lbalCa*tbojic ,wrting: -1be .War AgaiWSt the "Wear~. 15,tbe firstl to' uaake a systenatiC, study of the works in wbicb this Pbtikeaophy îs Kobnai who dpecrlbes himSlf ýas a -Wetern Libe!aL .uithCatbolic and Selit m=htue7 writes ftnm the iewpoiflts ç4 philosopher and practicai ..figter fer the tbnsle believes- An author and a scholar. lie bas long active, memler ot liberai Austrian politicai move- oesuoom to cwuï Oaly the tribe WlimMeF et. an wsdispwuted: grutho riiy oit Smea itanad ,ces. uj one of the utanwtho have dtp- ng'd an umnto Richard HaUlek- hunoui humaniity ot the Neir York Stin-.Ererij sea- Lp endowed with faring -tani wlo reads -The Roll- le nihts- auid as- in'g World wil become mii- ized brotherbod- cerr. Hatlers eamein a-e oarhe:- is reaL andi thert- discare- in 'The Rollu'-g Worldd lberateiY retwun t.0 ee'-,,hig hai a prcrieed 1Iite'- id pagns ~uhnder at asw a~cr ~et mO idividuab Sbut :0 othe'i.- et ves, are his wufe. M£9a'r5~ l alAý.W J.*"u Margaret had an. eye for detail, a peunctant for cracking similes. (some. véry good.. some very bad-. and an expansive sense of hunior. She took. the Ennglish fôr a ride.. the net re- suit' being an entertainîng1 travelr story. -With. Malice. Toiward: Some'" 'Unflrïhibiteid.-fond of goodfood.: not ashaznedt admit, it,' and very beautiful .. according to press pic- tures we bave seen) the, twenty-. eigËht-.vear-old Margaret went th Eu- rope with keen anticipation and lived o -know the disappoinitment of Eng-' lish cooking. clirnatepolite rman- er. bousing. and duZ conversation-- The British miglit be Up on their ear over the whole thing were it flot for the spirit of good comradeship in whicb vitrolç bntr dris fmber tongue. and the fact that Margaret is niot above a few wisecracks at the expen-4se of Americans. even ber tait. spare. scholastic busband, Henr-y. Margaret knows ber Eingland: she has ber tacts right as anyone wIIQ has been there before ber can cor- roborate. and ber book is quite as rnteresting to the experienced trav-. eler the unintiated. oem for mmihioehmbas ritteui a d- fcwae of the Wt tbat thinkers of al shdsof opinion viii lu grateful acbmiratioii- rafly to- -bu - -11ýpýJ - '- -*--- - b '1 and se unfamiIiar things and every- cbaracter. the Young N M.Mee3s- thi xig is so noticeable. by reason ut Wjflweleme br oe novl. ~ilsnovelty. that 1 begin to feel like wax Carre IEu>ui. A Norel Abou~t tresh-4aid cement over wbich cows the young Mr~mej# 1II Appl- bave been driven-" Imagine going on-CenWtmny publisbed Septeber &. to England with a wornan like that* olthe aniveroMm 0f tht PUbIJ The iAnd to Norway and Sweden . of tt fr~tMis Mega oi-L ~ for Henry and Margaret take a sum- Young Mr$- Meigt. mer jaunt across the North Sea- She Wus Carnie Eatn carries us Stockholmn is ber idea of what the Doeum The Iby fHou*i fir*m in bis ew I £L eV' rgiisappJust pub- ld uin xmei Mln cp-y. Wowaii ve answeràaua flew book e