Nul., Niehiga. Fe kq.qus»rim o f a omm yChicago CfflmoSoeay I.., orn b....Iof.1Musicenad Drdïmafic Art I.ading to th. Dur DI 1*f«t our ree Dookiet: &ibwMmt Ad Gudane for Your Oxld- gJL NOW FOR FMJ. CLASSES ma.lamk or.«ml tM a dtaI Appearance *Focsaty ~lsi* ~.so1.1M Auj adlfl@m WITHOIJT CHARGE i~ ~~~~~ep, Un.Ud.137H..T....Mivers»,v 62» ber 1 to 9, wçrè discussed Ibis week by T. Park Hay, managing diiector of the. observance, and . ofnilaus-Of- leading air Unes ýsponsoriiig thé event. 'During National, Air, TIYavel week," Ray said, "«the nation will cQmlnemorate the tenth annivers- ary of commercial air transportatiori and each * of the 21 air Uines operat- ing tbrougbout the country will cou- duct special 100 mile sightseeing flights daly at-imore than 200 cities. These flights will provide an oppor- tunity»for more than 5,O persona ta take their, first, trip in. transport olanes.. Eachfliliht, *inlbe conduct-" higher tmaxi ur- ricular - ac1ttU with reterefice -to the 1 ,contribution they ma ke to; the objectives 01 educationli lsted by the Ulnited States Bureau of Education in itsý bulletin, "Cardi- nal Principles o! Education." AÀ few years. a g o practlcally ail the extra- curricular activi-ý f ies were eentered (Derie) OPFORTIJNITIES 1E4ucationaI ftdvisers in VvieDUiUL raiorx Schools of Commerce and Journalism-in Ward Memorial Building for the Univ'ersity Coflege. Some of the major fields of study are listed below. lost frequently extra-curricular îvities grow out of hobbies or cations, but frequently they m out of the regular curricular ivities. This is especiaily true, fin, in the boardlng school, where Swork sbop or art studio is neyer ýsed. To see a group of these~ al thot ity to at clos On re o ily the several