raa UA>Pa Ua oeire uUU1en1c <i on te Bâha'i Faith. As editôr of the Baha'i World Book, a volume appearing every two years with articles from outstanding per- sônalities from ail over the world on the tenets of the Baha'i Faith, Mrs. French has a world wide coterie of friends. She is also the author of. th e column, "Loom i.of lteality," ap- pearing daily in the Pasadena Star- News. Classes for ail children wil meet in Foundation Hall at 11 oclock on Sunday rmornig. cear 27 bi first aid and nursing' .enter. I infant clInic. The Health Cénter is making plans for an extensive Health educational program under the direction of the Tuberculosis institute of Chicago and Cook county, Speakers wIil be avail- able on problems pertaining to public health as well as educational films. These can be arranged for by clubs, organizations, and P.T.A. groups by caling Wilmette .158. ýe cinic. will Knightu, was choseii to serve on the welcoming committee to make new Unlversitv of Southern Calfornia students feel "at home" durig reg- istration weekc for the fall term which started oh September 13. The committee, which greeted the new- corners on the campus, assisted them in registerlng for classes, and in orienting themselves to campus lite, was made up of members of Trojan Amazons, wornen's service organization, and Trojan Rnights and Trojan Squires, upper -class and sophomore mnen's service orgaiza- tiofls, respectively. the worlds were trarned by the *kd of God, so that things which ame Mme were not made of things which do apnear" (Hebrewa 11:1 ' ). The lesson-sermon also hno1%4Wd the followlng- passages foM,., e Christian Science textbook "Sè#leý and Health wlth Key to the So$p- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy': A God is substance and man is'1*è di- vine image and ll)oeness, maniidd~i wlsh for, and i reality has, only the. substance of good, the substance of Spirit, not matter. The belief that man has any other substance, or mmnd, is not spiritual and breaks the First Commandment Thou shah San1 ton% Mrs. San