ley, and rosesý composedç the bridai buqut lhe maid of honor, Miss Marjorie Stockbridge oi Chicago, wore a two-, toned chrysanthemfum chiffon dress- and corried a bouquet of chrysan- themums, while the bridesmnaid, -Miss Josephine Braun, cousin of thé bride, was dressed- in chiffon of two tones of copper, cornplemented by a bouquet of copper chrysanthememâs. was 1Bout man Glen Hutchison served as. best man., while .a cousin of the bride-. groomh, LeRoy- Harrer, was the ush- er. Mrs. Thalimann, thé bride's mnother, was dressed in green crepe, a green hat, and corsage of flesh are spend ing arown Missl MODERN CAS RANGE 0 How delicious good food tastes in frosty autuma weather-and how healthy familv. appetites respand ta carfZly cooked meals! But whiat extra work they can make for you! To save urne and work ... cook with a maclern sa easy and ave you ,so .muai Big Mae #Chf Bargin time. uated irom rNOM lege iChicago, lowing year in SE During the sumxm a student at the formia iBerkel the sumnmer terri taugnt te fol- an Valley, Ill. 1 1937 she was ersity of Cali- At the end of year she was eaton college. ,gree of bache- ILeSY ta Use. Two- .for oca~1 PUBLIC SE ib motor'trip