One la being bulit by Michael J. Fausman. at 2237 Chestiiut street at an estimated coatof $9,000, an d E. E. edIer and . LM. lildebranidt. are--building the other at 2108 Thorn- ýwood avenue, ýat a colut Of .0500.1 Each of the houses comprises six rooms and is of. brick' veneer con- wqum Ummstruction. Charles P. Rawson is:the archi- W~m I Ssuo@tect and G. jenikinson, ota' AIJJA t un URMANuU oo. tor, of the former, and Leonard.A. 14@914 moom 1Gliatto, of Chicago -and L. T. Me- Ne il afor o a.imo appgral.Ginnis, .of Wilmette, are architect 11 lka . ,mreort mwvey. av and builder, respetively, of the dIiIIqu L tMM VOUMAS. Io-Thornwood avenue house. to %,luereg 5%;______ and r«M ntgge. e owr cMe.New Residence m Te>ptm an.L qr Davis 32M. Winnetka Permits w wu wu~Building improvenents totalling zou<r bS-ss £4,.s 4 t"Ar.. mits isuued in Winnetka during the ________________________ TMs uattnwotive ColamWs home on Forestriew lame at Gleia Oak drive ps ok inth Ue em home development are. u thUe >unction of Lalce avenue an One was for a new reaidence Su et uW drecutnu totf Wilmette, was reently soLd oMrs. which C. A. Hemphill and Associ- gi&,abeM P. fMn»husn of Z0Ematoss, by Fronk M. Howard, ates, of 'Evanston, are building at R EA L EST A TE 965 Tower Manor drive, at an es- lhe home is situated on an at-ý timnated cOst Of $18,000. It ia o! W. G Rugle, pesidnt f W G«trativewooed.lot IWby 200 feet stone and brick veneer construction. LOW. . uggles ndcomesidaoet o ares. It ta one of the izidividual Raymond F. Houlihan, 51826 Davis ~ <~ ~ w~.andi distinctive homes completed street, Evanston, is the. architeet. wb*ba bd wet OVYar» x-wîthIn the past few months by Mr. The other four pernmtts were for perien - ce inNorth $or .real'estate, IWa Btrt~i0fandi aMltizrn jobs., 1Iey ai ran o te aesan lasng 1est bornies ieatweexcep1tionally'were taken out by Charles J. Mer- dearmetsette rgniaüp 'sp.ack li~ ving roorns, lare edt- riam, 757 F>uGale, avenue, $1,200,- wilmette officeqlocated at 519 lRidge TOOU*S. and seme*iêpor~ches- AU Mr'. andi Mrs, *Harold Eizenberg, 6000 road. services are intalle&, lneluding the Ash street, $4,500; George F. Isaac, MbleuSiam_____W latest type wmnter air conditioning. 4600 'HM roati, $4,500; Miss M. Bin- nom! *a*. PLqi. W21 JOB Otier attractive features of these ner, 1370 Scott aveniue, $300. The ne, udig pemitissed in ta ary .homes, are thse large lot KeilorhdurWlDte pst ee areas im a section blesseiwith G re rCotg Lad was for a residence remodeling jo moderate taxes. The homes range G ree otg ed at 3M3 Curnnor rSd. It was taken in cost from $9,000 oot $1 1,500. Glencoe Permit Records out by R. A-. arauk. s i- Tis is a Federal Housing Ad- Construction of a gardeners' cot- mate cos of he ork s $1,000 miistratiofl approved. district, tage costing $5,000 was authorized int matd Cat f l. orkla lOAO.Mntlypayments on homes, range a bu1ldffig permit issuedti t Harris froua $55 to $65., including carrying Persteln, of 4U8 Sheridan roati, Glen- OIL RURN E IR SAT "ONY Tý AK..charges. otepswek * $ U TI Paul Stoker, 1330 Cenltral The section 's resticteti as. o ennth F. Btgess took out. a lAff OuîSà%I*eTiNW1l*abeaid e sw e aro.Pi4t for aMOrden àtool room ~at 153 ONWM oe"brtwo daughters, Glria andMon- le* borne d4velopmit areaon t e Se~o oêT0cs f1.ln ey . m1*toerard any er i Nrt Som Fitls*thomes have pi'ovemenis a$M00. Michgan or alite ever tW9 weeks, been complèteti he*re since Jan- A' resid*ut* adition at 951 Vernon, andGloia as wayfortenwees, arYL aeue andêcostinu $2,000, was au- P%ý Stoer's &ffter h the K110118-thorpzd in a peri sudto John~ '4.,eaene as ee-n BNar l iy n h1t satmelt b le.Tl