thereget- M BÈUtd KBr=n hm %frund it m Iare thar *miimis -ntemay. cn*- WU tom~e ethe ~p~Uff~Ici uding the ~~ - ui adthe ýtau schuioeI p q the junr =En- iu*d etf hekâàr umgrn- £N ýw MM hwm-d ày m *aottiol,.,under the auspirces iiE ,thé X.ary Crane N-raereae.e bild a meetna M.,inday a tithe t hme 'if mrs. Brtue Br-uwti. 2= ?.±ave=e, E:VahbtÂM2n Arrangri-tmts ft r theon~ ~ gin &wardf rapily nLw. inds --L ,,IhEr -lana were dscua-%ed o)n Wd- ~xeda~ cf t~sweek whenr Lrs. Qiarles Eflis tErtained au -hg', =73e Si -zerýdan roa& nt~ Mr.Geurge. D,. e--tn mas charge -if ~c!ai.and uuncti ger- aI.iF. l K W tMaeser ~y 3frs. Carl epp rud aIL--,- F- E. The revew wl e on five cwEaesutive Friday ma m±41 begin- ~iig SptffierId. afn4 er&d-ng on Octber-kThé ser Ar fIIbe op~en- ~eta. ho tL e ~I3wed by, Ann Bfrie Kater Pe ston.Btacley. WX5. Geor-ze F,ýwier Oak. Park,. lad mrs. :an-eý j rvyre aLso en -n.e lisz ,ýf rv.wr fziet r tecul r en ~y d-.~c. eAhrre ~are. Wair~~ mm L i the club mng to at- of the Re- swhih is Very rnuch of a family week- end, with activities for children and aduits alike, will be held at North Shore Country club over the.Labor Day*week-end. Vene- tian Night is the titi.e applied to the dance. Satur day night which will feature the club' ewirnm-ing Musicians Will play frorrn a ge)n. dola lloating in the poýoL an~d for. more active diversion Frank,,Snary, the, club's swimmning "pro" will pre- sent a swirnmning and diving'eibi- tio.n by national champions. Rarely do fisherm.en .corne into their own mi a golf course. but that evening they can displajy their sfflin a castinig event which wM lbe heMd to dter- mine the. club casting capcs In addition there wff a foer show byýRuth, Hu!1ey. ý FankMie- 0111 and Raymond Creamer of the Arthur Murray School o!f Dacig in New York, who wM Idnorate ballroom dancing - the rumbath tango, the Viennese wraltz and the shag. The party that wRf also be in the nature of a tarewell to the young people returninig to col- lege. Dancing at the club oni Saturday - 0tr W~ill écontinue,1 hVSW,&m Tth£ h~m.rmo. f Je" IL. uemc. Muoeiday. The uay cao. mwr 1- time piecUres nm the ev»& Satzmrday aftue.rnooe there wùl b. the usual gof events ta hemr ad bridge for the wume. uhile Sunday evening a buffet mq Veiiw b. served. followed by uotimx pic- WIIIMKTT~ LIFE m orm