095 Presemtiug Shoes .etToniorr ,ow We ore proud to present Gracely's brand new collection of fali shoes - more beautiful - more flattering than ever- and at a new low price. There's: a hoat of dressy, "don't dress," and casuel walking types to, choose from. Marria Dalla Black, brown, bine, pium and A grac.fui, perforatod, open toe Sorrento brown doeskin with pump. Dhmok, beown, wine pium, genuin. ring iazad trim on black blue or green uid. with drsped and izard oel i Ua on colors. bow of oel. E I i. = i E E i = E = p i E z. = = E Graoely's Dalla W..l Plaids and Weaves I~~~~ &ETME ,13 Shoe Dept. -Firsi FPur 7- -77-