&OMM: mm W.IGLeu 0F L ANlI4O~LtI SNQW5~ SK1N#ED STAR HM WtMOLE OR 1MI4 4AUF LII2,3C FARKA ^&é@uws STAR Lot*&I K M Aing ru- - - ranks of the DeuOcratic partY. that he 16net S'n P -.-- - Souh Crolfla wtmakg its de- >Anmistratiofl. Bt th* ecord, .%sou aon augBtOMaYIfdSOf hos at Senator Georgg voted for sepemar 2tiL ndGeorgia on SP éNUiA, AAA, SEC, LEN, TV and Social Security Act, toi mention NauraIIy, as in every eCt3Ofl only afw ftireodvts the results wUll ha dter 13in Thus t it deufit the.only ian- part hy purelY local issues ~a the imtration wis «the personal appeal o heuljf a gaethe A to upeek is Candidates. But in each o i h ~, one word If"Yes, Ilto everytbini t a tes t ha been Made cleir tl .t eýý and aryiin uI a lew weCks we voters fiat the. major queton fOr *,i know viiet the votera ot SOUth them to decide is8 whther the Y Pe-ý Carolina, Maryanld and Georgia de-, frr to be represeflted by men"ot cide. Their decision will have na- ifldepeIIdenit judgiii.ft or by-men tionalreercusuos- conmmttd ni ivance to support _______ each and everybuaiat ay b reconuendd- UdcubtedIy tlis Will CentralY C eot Afew American i ion, coin- La 19C ard J. 5parULLg, ph'b, ces and clama roomns reovated tbrougbout of. an increasd en~- POTATrO cHim 4INUR AU ROT am, Eit- on wbiCft lêâding to-th. B.S.C. degree. Thle dedeat at the latter two curricula will b. avail-. rere the.!5u- able to both day andi evening stu- andi the Re- dents. The programsini publiic and forme was personnel adm instrtio nl are de- ~us. h c>kyexista for trained men and womnen, 1_C 2 1., 3i in these fields, Dr. Sparling said. M I l dàY and