imar iivery vuLV, aunday afternoon, August 28, for a rousing good timne under the direction of, numeérous, LaSalle street stars. A horse show under the,-,manage. ment of 'Irving J. Florsheim wilI start the fun, and wil be immred- iatelY followed by a cattle show, supervised, appropriateîy, by.Thom-l as E. Wilson, the packer. Carnival of FrIvolIty Acarnival,, which according to the, invitations, wrni nclude "fun, foolishness and frivolity," with the customary. sideshows and rides will be urged on by John F. Cuneo and Simmirs MeGuire. John Allen,. himself,* ordin'arlv is i charge of theè'tickets. Invita- tions are being mailed to 3000 dev- otees. of grand. opera. Reserva-, tions may be sent Îii to the Ch ica 1go Cityr Opera companyý, 20, North Wacker drive, it is annou nced. CAMP FIRE NEWS The, Camp Pire group fror Wil- mette recently went on a, breakfast bike at the Wilmette beach. We had loads of fun. We fried eggs on hot stones, and cooked bacon too. After breakfast the girls 'went wad- ing in the water. We found the spot dlean and we left itt dean. Ail the girlsmwho " went got. several honor Beads for Camp. Craft. " candy will1 Guests w right upa games ando by Ralph 1icea tea, .and the Ything but cotton Becau luded on the menu. of Sorn( lnvited tO "step Psaamc 'y their luck, at Prm IN FILM ters, Margaret, and SaIly, ri seven weeks' tour of England, Ire- strinïgs -1 land, and Scotland, have *Mrs, Genuine KI, Raymond's parents, Judge and Mrs. Geniuine Ni B., 0. Hostetler, visiting with them Genuine L this week fromn Kearney, Nebraska.GeueL Spencer Raymiond, who was at Camp Kooch-I-Ching for eight 1612 Orringl weeks, returned home last week -_____ end. .1~