Pacific Coast, and tUir complete stiÔry is Itold by Oscar Lewis i The BRIg Four which Alfred A. Knopf iwied wîth conoïderable suoeess August 8& li hie early àE' of the last cen- Itory. "Trhe Four- deeided to build the finit rallToad.from CalifOrinia's new *ettlernents, over 'the bigh Si- erras to the east. They were none' of themt1 engineers; they were busi- niess meni who knew a good thing when they saw it, who were not above a bit of skùRduggery where it wpoild- help, and not, below moving mounéntains 'aside where, it was neces-. sary. MVron Brinnig, who wrote ""The% Siaters,"ha. a new. bock Ôof&fc-1 tion on the Farrar & Rinehart wr ites, II have delighttedin,,Mr Hailet's atonles, because of their ex- perlences, thejir expertness, their gorgeous. colors, thée humor, above aUl their- zest. 'Thé Rolling Years' i. steeped in the same quaities. . A HrSvardI Man Fresh out of klarvard,. Dick shipped i a square rigger to Aus- tralla, juxnped ship at Sydney, and traveled a thousand miles down a treacherous river in a home-made boat. On a steamer te London, hie shoveled coal when the thermotueter reglstered .140 degrees. During the war lie ,w asý third mate on a -sinking tramp steamer. lie went 2000 feet underground to his native Mi Southerner Fnds New the excitixgSI Split in TVA Ranks aos Lt The TVA continues te fi the news- Sheep-sheari papes wih, is c ash ad thunder. and rock-breai papes Wth iS CBShhard Hallet to T- A ýÇ fh fliscor s f the , j, ...a :.. the statn 'on TVA was a simple quairreing ue- tween the power comxpaxies and the iment commisasion Goverxurgent over wbich should seUl lence prio and con power te, the people. -'After this viuit Lr raged winoticed; h a neetdi ai iin rts listened te thehewsntrse m adLie- thal' s statement, that the noisy quar- m. And always, s, he returned te seaport te write sfor which lie is i Australla jig, rabbit-punching, king once enabled Ric- )keep a roof over his uck by him through thlck and thin. They aré not always," hé says, he type you can present at an ternoon tea, and it lias got so ttely that if some tramp comes. up )our back door i Boothbay Har- or, Maine> and looks as if he were ene *0i gg~3,~3Y ~1 SI Igove raiL