Awairded Pile N. J. Mer gent haler, abovýe), plumbing and heating contractor, 210 Catalpae Place, Wilmette,. was recently awarded second prize in an Auto- matic Gas Water Heater contést sponsored by. the Public Service C6m- pany o f Northern -Illinois. Three hundred' and seventeen au- owner the largest dividends by elim-. tomatic gas storage water heaters inating irritating and co stly flaws were sold during the contest by in constructin. CUSTOM BUIILT SIIINGLES A: handsomne shingle, with heavy butt, for the fInest homes. Haid, made-Color combinations according to your specifications-..SIate colors. I I~ IL. See Home ai Ajax Shin'gle & Modernizng Co Wilinette State Bank Building. G. . SWINEY, Mgr. Wilmette 1.2487 success by ail who partiipa IBUILD WISELY! That 18 Accompiished by Building WeII, Decae, Expert Thistie" CONSTRUCTIONq Preferred Loans - 4!/%i REIINANCING -no commission iere are better rnaterials by far the market today. than at any 2tin the past. However, as a lhomnes are flot as well con- etas they have been i the ;the reason being that, many. lers, are trying to deliver too *RogerÉ howy and handsu akee county along Eighway south of te 2486 NEW COLONIAL HOME Dvis4220 Opposite Main 'V' Stati on 9620 1 1132 -n 1 ri anci riette Davis