A COMPLETE SERVICE TIIAT WILL FULFILL ALL YOUR RlEQUIREMENTS 336:LiNDEN AVENUE WILMETTE 4344 Cheek and. Hines have personalized styles for every type of femininity . I3ring out. your individual beauty to the utmost bY' having Our atists create a new coiffure styled to your personality. 912 Spish i4dC-ourt - No Man'sl Land Wilmette 5060I flipoJL4CiP2 k E EVERY SILAER PERMANENT'AN INDIVJDUAL IVAVE Trhe Uair Arialysis'Cha>ïî le àh ejlùîVë féM1tüt of the. Silaer Systein . . . It accurtttely classifies your hair texture as one of 63 basic types-aiid prescribes the exact solution required for your hair. A Custom wave. Seilintroduct ory price motqS Picture 0f DOROTNY COAKR Goes Hère FAsiai'ON NEWS If you plan on being smartly dressed as. well as couifortable this Autumn . see our new fall patterns with details that. are entirely new, draped bosoms, victorian shoulders, ibloused book-o and, a number ofa sflwskirt variationls. ALL MADE, DESIGNED AND FITTED BY 2borotk 430 LINDEN, AVE. Coak WILMETTE 3240 THE TRADE MARK 0F QUALITY BUILDING Designers and Builders of Distinctive North' Shore Homes Since 1898 I I Picture of Ujc RoS IAWKINB MSGoes Here Hats Ready to Wear and Individually Designed Re-styling IDe, N eI1da 934,Spanish.Cotrt N asLn RBoom, 938 Spoisi Court. Wimette 663 Ores W.dnesdey and Satonday Evenings 7:30 'Tii 10:00 I Pleture of OSCAR Doon Goes IKeie il , * - I 0iDn~ picture Of 'J. D. tSARS Gos Here No Man's Land