ship High, school wil close this jjtlujl week.refreshx About 72 students, instructed yges. 34' teachers,. at- TheE tended' the s es;- iii sions, of which VI11 Frederick:C. Win- *member does, head o! the adti shool's science to attert departinent, w a s principal It was empha- K., O sized that 'more n t h a n 'two-thirds Sab4 of, the pupils at- a ten ded not be- cause o!. failures, Ouim but to get ahead Columbi in their studies, F. C. Windoes tU~lf etts, are in, s, event is,.aný annual, summer sponsored by the Chamber. 11a ge departmnent heads, and rs of the police department Lir guests hbave be.en hnvited ad. The ticket deadline will be, Ly, August 16, it is announced. ~C. Council to, rrnsor Golf E vent ,rtPickwick Course nette counc il, Knights *o! us, wrnl hold its annual golf, rent at Pickwick Countr'y in writmng. The purpose is to compile. as complete a record as possible for- the guidance of the board in future cônsideiation of the stor m sewer niteds of the village. Prmonptness on the part of vil- lagers in presenting, the desiréd information will be greatly ap- preciated. Graduates Listed by New Trier Pri'ncipal1 Naines of pupils Who are to be graduated this FridayfmNe Trier Township High school at the qwners..aiisociation,, Marlon. T. MaWr- tin of* Lake Forest, the presidentb announced thisweeký,. The ffirm of Bennett, Parsons -and. Frost, iternatlonally kriown archk. tects and city planners, are direct- mng the work which is unider thii-' mnediate supervision et Barry T. Frost for the firm. The * flrst phases. of the study are eXpected to b. corn~- pleted by the middle of September. Recomrnendations and actions of im- portance to every homre owner li the area are'anticipated* as a resuit of, the survey, which la the. flist of its' kmnd ever made for the North Shore as a unit. Three periods were held each day, have the event tc each 90 minutes long, and. the pro- turkey 'dinner. A~ gràm lasted from 8 o'clock until prizes will be offei 12:30. events. Ini recent years, the board o! edu- This 'event is cation has made a $10 charge for tournament, in th each course, but this was reduced need not be sponsc this year to $5 for the entire ses- member to partici sion, with a pupil allowed to take vations must, ber as many courses as his. programn Scbaefer, Wilmett( would pnermit. thari Môiday, Aut A. large array of ered towinners of an invitational biat an individual sred ~Abv, a s,,,,,.i i- [vorsen, Kiennetn speedlway, . tion to pri J. Johnson, Jr., fro<> nn en, Marshall 1at- m Ull Beritaid Rein- truck trave ing for lo ers, David Locke transportati er Smith, John oe William Tobin, insuie nia rnathematics. This latter was giv for the' beneit o! recent eigl grade graduates as a' review arithnietic, ini order to facilitu next semester's work in algebra. ýBest attended course li the schi was typewriting, h. added, whi was taken by more than 200 of t students. Rowland Wehr, instruct in social studies, off ered a cour li the elemerits of, sociology, whi, The wll De sougn: sooni Iwas iearned this week. The new station is to be erected on a newly-acau4ired site i North-î ilesI one of o! of commo: ich lof its >r is conducted the N~or- a resi for exq i the towns rie nrohl, 1 ÎLi;àliý