Truesday morning collections at the North Western station in Wilmètte, Kenilworth, and. Win- netka. it solicits the cooperation of north shore garden owners in sharing with the ill and under- privileged in city hospitals and" charitable institutions blossomis -and plants from their yards and gardens. Any gift is welcome and bouquets need.not be large ones. Jellies and fruits are de- sirable, too. The flowers are sent in early every Tuesday morning on trains. '-"J' -worki but fic At the August meeting of the Wilmnette Garden club last Fni- day afternoon' at the home of Mrs. John A. Maçcean, 924 Greenwood. avenue, Wilmette, the. civics chairmant of the club, Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm,, spoke' of the wild, flowers that were brought- down for the Garden club from,Wisconsin to plant in the wild flower gardèn in Wash-. ington park, Wilmette, -and of the noxious weeds W'hich al home, owners aire urged-«to de- sryif they.%hav Ye not already done' so. August 1415 las been set aside as the npif drn Awr~, htt'h vesigpn of in places in ilmette ana ougnt to be destroyed permanently. Miss Frances Scheidenhelm brouglit samples of drapery and up- liolstery materials and wall papers to Jiustrate lier talk on "Interior Decoration," and many beautiful flower arrangements. She said of the flowers in theý ka witn the ýn clubs and nt of the it of tlie Ier and Skokie to Have Sixth Dinner Dance Saturday The sixtl dinner dance- of the For Jwe Bride Mrs. Ruby 1arrîngton of 1112 IUi- nois road, and Mrs. Berniard Rein- wald, 2515 Greenwood avenue, gave possibly tie together two rooms, one openng off either side, neither in a color sehemne closely related to the otlier. You can make a re- lationship and bmnd tliem together by the flowers you clioose."-F.B.M. End Vacations '2 IM ETTE18LI FE 28