u. UN FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES. Borrow up to ë6'0% of value. Conven- lent montbiy repaymlent plan over 5 to 16 years. Djeal with a local institutioni. FuIl details 'by Inquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOANý ASSOCIATION: 0F WILMUTTE Mr. Clif ton, Sècretary 1155 %Vilmette Avenue Wfimette 162 SILTN35-tfc We have- funds available noW 94 SITUATION WANTEO--FEIiALE EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES TO CARE FOR CHILI)REN EVENINGS. WILMETTE 2317. 94LTN24-tfp LADY'S COLOU.ED MAID OR LIGHT housework. A-i references. With Pull- man Co. 8 years..Kenwood 3109. 94LT1-Itp Experienced .White Gr Wishesto do da y work or general Can drive car. Winnotka ý3592.- 94Ll2-Itn WISH TO INTERVI relative to establisi ing. proiltabie, busineso Refs. oxchg. Glehcoe, Wilmette. Address A mette, II. V, AWO1 r~ anîd i.nn COMPIETMINT WHITE HELP WANT- ed wltb good rot. ÂPPIY lnperson. ALL EMPLOYMENT SEIRVICE 467 Vernon Ave. Glence.as! 97LTN43-tfc GIRL FOR GENERAL MOUS19WORIL Own roomn, near transportation. Permanent position. Cali Kenlworth 5506 EXPERIENCEL) WHITE. GIRL fair general housework. No laundry. Care of 3 chilîdren. Refèrences. Wilmette36. With a Written Guarantee 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan. Radio, heat- or .1............. $Daà-LAMs 10%. 1937 ldamogibile Truank Sedan. Spocia .*8775-Leas 10%. 1937Fod Dlux Sean.Radio, heat- or ..............8545-Lesu 10%. 1936 Fora, Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heat- er.. -............*425-LAe 10%. 1985 Ford Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heat- or......... .... $325-Less 10%. 1935 Oldamobile Tudor Sedan. .$385-Less 10% 1935 Chevroet Station Wagon. SpecWa body *---......$425-Less 10%. Maniy more cars to choose from at these genuine bargain prices. INC. 435 Green Bay Road Wil. 535 OPEN EVENINGS GRE. 0535 REAL ESTATE.LC WE ARE IN TE -ý MARK First Mortgage loiuis' on No property. Interest 4'r y to 5ý joseph C, Corni-2ck, 1569 Sherman, Evanston ODD JOBE GARDE 50e per Co. 1 EXP1ERIENCED MALE OR FEI .BEAUTY OPERATC Cail Glencoe 1406. 9 7LTNI NICE CLEAN *PERSONAL, SERVICE ON REAL Estate mortgages. Low rates, prompt action. Phone or write GEORGE P. IJ4FF Wilmette 1882 924 Linden Ave. 87LTN12-ltp FOR SALE $2,500 FIRST MORT- Screened su~ furniture Norman ii gardeni 1 740 I QUAILiTY ____ pori Es 791 LO' ln to ýY FRONT ROOM Dws; large closel. Lhome. Attr. surr< and N. S. Reas. 1810 Ridge vAý V 4F. JMRj@ý