The unother of the ealf was onle of a herd of cattie purchased by .::: the studio for use in "The Texans," which James Hogan directed ith, Joan Bennett, Ratidolph Scott, May » .............. Robson, and Walter Breninan. . .. The newcomer W as cbristened May in honor of Miss Robson, having made - ~4. its. appearance on her birthday. Mrs. Leland Carter of Los Angeles, x Calif., wlll be visiting Mr. and Mrs < ~ ~ *'* Martin E~. Wells, 1436 Forest, for another %veek before returriing home. Mrs Carter, who is a sister of NM1r*~. Wells, spent last week-end with the Wells at their cabin in Michigan City. 60c 5c lt4t4Emm-AFsT N rEATII É-- cs;eYsc : 666 Skis. Aveu Coipete-varety of Germa. Disbes *Cb g W. Cuor, .aLrge Parties Irloircgof.3153 a No Cqver Charge Morton Grov.e 21 DINE DANCE Gooti F001DDRIN4MýENTERItTMENT Nightly.. .................... DINNERS 75e TO $1.00 At Orne of 0ur Platest Sketch of a VIvecI*us Lady UINXWB rowtim ES LINXES I4OMISTIAO Ginger Rogers has had a bwsy seasoit in Hollywood readyinig new shows. 713-1& W. North .Av.CWathego.flRond chIag.. Two Bloeks North of GIenew . The first now playi;iq is "Vivadious Lady,"> with James. Stewart as her op- ILIu SIn 674 leview M positc, a dramnatic comeds. Also showinq is "Having Wonder fui Time,'" a The ont> place ot its kind tor family githerings on the North Shore r omedy romance front the Broadway stage hit, her co-star being Doutglas Fairbaniks, Jr. Apid in the offing is her next RKO Radio co-starrinig picture I Nfl 91. YIli~with F1rcd Astaire tentatively titled "Gare Free.