ELUERTA PEACH ES, LB. à5 C JUMBO FIESH GOLDEN ÇLPKI Santom CORN CANTALOUPE AT LOWEST MARKET PuICE EACH 1OC FANCY NO. 1I FRYNG CHICKENS.. 00LS.2 .5CL 21/2- fo 3-lb. Average GREAT WESTERN DOMINO CANE 1O.-LB. BAG 49C 5-LE.. BAG 25 c SUNNYFIELD FULL DRAWN BROI1LERS. *ACH 73c SCOTTISSUE DN TRKE Pu.ls.anst. lui oa &" L.. The critics contended. that the va- nious speeches of tbe* President of the" -United .States and 'sucb papers as bis Messages -to Congress weire public property The, Chief Exec- utive was severely censured for giv- ing' the publication rights to an in- dividual. printer on a contract for sale tô the public for, profit.. Me was: charged' with using bis office and, publie property for personal gain. And, if my rnemory.of the controversy serves me well, the criticism. by Congress and in the public press, be-, came so sharp. nd extensive tbat someone connected with 'the White House secretariat vas atith-or;zed to announçce that the profits froni the sale of the volumes wvould be dornated not know1 profits the* tracted to nopf coin- do I know if any, the -~1 - 4;______ madle SUIe of Sucoess There is *a Roosevelt smile. It is captivatîng. Even. bis enemies have been known to Succt3mb to it. That smile has contributed- much to. his success. Likewise there is the'Roose- veit radio voice that is captivating and bas contributed much to his suc- cess in public persuûasion. We mnust recognize and apprecia te those facts if we, are. ever to unde r- Stand tbe manl who exerts atremen- dous influence on American public opinion. We must also recognize and appreciate that jusi. as the smile and the voice are a part of themian, con- triutig t hi capaicity for leader- sbip, there is a Roosevelt style of, writing. After oie bas read a nutn- after pbrase and sentence atter sen- tence witb a view to directin.g the thougbts of the people who bear him. These volumes are, to be sure, sometbing of- a defense of tbe New Deal. As to wbetber tbey are an adequate defense is left to the person who reads them. But all of us, what- ever we may tbink of tbe New Deal, should read theni. for ail of us alike 0 e0e0e0*0 0 9 OF SOLE. LBs. 25c e e e LB. 29c cold facts without personality in -Bettie Bov composition and without movement. daughter of This is the. exception. Every page flowman, 10> seems itnbued with the author's per- netka, placec sonality. backstroke si If we are to understand "our times." tral A.A.LT. the New Deal movement and Presi- springboard c dent Roosevelt's ..national popularity, Saturday aft nan, fourteen year old g1ajor and Mrs, 0. S. 7Cherry street,. Win- .third in the 100 mieter ïm in the Senior Cen- utdoor swimmning and ving championsbip held rnoon at Ruis park ini ;s Bowman. swims for 1143 HEAD0 SO.GLAeSS Oc ALI CHOICE CUTS POT ROAST B1 9c Il