ot' playgrounds, edu cation, social ser- vice, housing and other civic improve- ments. Hje is the author of the im- portant book "Play in Fducation." Head& NationalBody For nine years' Mr. Lee was a mnem- ber of the Boston School cotnmittee. He founded the Massachusetts Civic league and from 1910 until bis death in -1937,ý was president of the National Recrea- tion association. Playgrounds in the United States and Canada 'multipiied from 1.240 to 9,600> while, he w.as presi- dent of this organization. Charles Francis Adams. former Sec- retarv of the Navy, and others will broadçast radio' talks over national net-" works during the course of the day. served 'ageant ot Sports." to be "J' iChildren fromn the parks 'drar :e in the play,. h was an!i in t] Vrs. S. V. 'Libbin, who lng thé Joseph Lee Day coni- a irges that parents partici- wa gram. Refreshmen ts wilt dru, rthe performance. hot Jhe e The-Cubs, intermediate' býoys'. softball team at Vattman ParkI jumped -inito the, intramural le ague1 lead. by defeating the Giants 16 to 6.. It was their third win in. four starts. The Giants. baitte the Sox ini the next scheduled game.1 The Vattman park senior boys' soft- hall teamn made, it three straight wvben tbey defeated the village green, boys in last week's game., With only three games left to be played it looks 1lke a cinch for them to.carry off the season honors, whjle the juniors have done the, opposite-losing three. They, however, 'plan to even .things up a littie whien they mecet the Village G reen juniors Thurs- day-or Friday in a twin bill. down by the lads who can Dst ririgers around the pegs ge Green horse shoe pitch- on Tuesday,. August 2. lay myseif," says Joe. "Any- :1,11 join the boys at the Umpires jobs are pretty ys," he went on to say as that there will be a soda 'Tuesday evýening a 'W mtJ bach une the supervision of the Wilmette Play-. SOFTBALL LEAGUE ground and Recreatioti board. Miss twas the new blue and gold uni- Dorothy 'Davis was thie senior instruc- forms. The K. of 'C. boys just wouldn't tor in charge of arrangements. hit the dirt, so the W. W. U.s sent them to the cleaners as they pushed A bike hike is scheduled in thie near thern ail over the bail diamond to thie future for intermediate boys at Vatt- tune of 21 to 15 in the senior soft bal man park it was announced today by l eague of the Wilmette Playground.and Liakce, Wl5 t~en days. A AuJJ about 1 1 -I