Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1938, p. 30

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to Observance of -National' Sis- -terhood day ivili be imarked in this viicinity by the annuel sum- mer prty of the Sistrodo t h e Nrteô1h Shoýre Congregation Istaci wN.hich dots' the social calendar, for Tuesdav, Augu s+ .The temple in Glencoe ivili be the -locale. * A program, of contrastilig interest, yet- closely related because linked, through fine arts, has been arranged, for the day ,whichis'in charge of Mrs. Harold ýMoses of, ,922 Cherry street, Winnetka. Co-chairman with -Mrs. Moses is Mrs. Max J. Wolff,ý and they, and their large committee j are actively vcarrying out plans for the afternoon. Tickets are now avail- able f m rs. Moes! On the Sisterhood board for the new season are' Mrs. Benjamin Leo Steif, who has entered upon the 'sc 1' ond session of her two-year term of office; Mfrs. Milton . Grauer, first vice-president; Mrs. Arthur- K. Levy, second vice-presiclent; Mrs. Moses, third vice-president;' Mrs. Emil Stern, recording secretary; N fr s. Milton J. Klee, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. Marc Newman, financial gery M~ayer nowever wml give one haif of the prograni. In the past three years 'Miss 'Mayer. a contralto, has shown quite a record of accomplishTnent. In 1935 she won the contest for contraltos in the Chicago High School contest, the Chi- cago Tribune Music Festival con - test (1935-36), and. in 1936. the Blue ni il/i go up to Lac du Fl[Vau is., .' wlîcre she will visit -1fr. and M'rs. WValter Botthof. ler godjather' and aodipiotlier. Miss' Holiands, w/wo is the daitghter of Dr. and Mrs. Aiigistiés Hollapids, 107 Robsart road, Keniilztort/, wil/ be Plrcsepltcdi at a'dt"but tea OPI:Vczc Year's day. Qur'ng the holidays, licr parents z,Îiqiv a Ica dauce for lie~r fric nds. Mi1ss Hollands uqlI be' invitcd to act as »ianncqui>z ut thi, anual Fa/i' Fashiov shoný and tea 's/onsored !,Y te 1 tf'li;zýtka board o / ofthcstheUnc ststtlicct z&hich is to bcefield on the ' o!ternoon of Septepiticr 2S, fi heXmw Trier Hi.qi school auzdit orium. Photoh-7Y Town Ho usc Studios. Board Looks Ahead to Fali The officers of, the Wornan's: Cluib of Wý"ilmette are at, work duriiig the se sumrmer mnonths on varidus projects. Even though vacation time is here, h or reports "Business as usual.", The rentais committee, Mrs. R. WV. -Halleti, chairmhan, reports that. theý large auditorium bas been rented to the St. Francis 'Xavier Catholic church for their services' while thei'r church edifice is. being remfodeled. A sumnmer partx' sponsored by.the- wavs and means., department, Mrs. H. E. Ringholm, chaïrman, was held at the club on Wcdnesday, and proved to be a most enjoyable one. The house committee, 'Mrs. G. S. 4Hedkkson< v hnirmn, 'reports that somne repairs are necessary to the building and these wviil be done in' ample time for the fail activities; of the club. The program comnmittee; M.rs. HI.L. XVard, chairman, is busily at work on prograrns for the entire year. Quite a number of unusuallv excellent headliiners hav-e been secured for the fait and. winter pregrams. 'Mrs. Lil- ian 'Mo-wrer. ,vife of Edu-ar Ansel been secured to open a lecture course in home arts. Pr-of.'Q'uincy Wright of the University of Chicago vil conduct the universitv round table at one afternoon meeting, and Dr. J. Manlév Ph elps of Chicazo will give a series on "Better English and' *Better 'Speech."' Other programs promise to be just as interesting and' entertaining. lier teaci ger. naeas ray uiail the women of friends. parish on Green- Il street are Spon- ich !'s op en to al parish and their I WILMBTTE LIFE in Lake laýt',Fridav. 30

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