SNAPSHOTS are. S U'RE SHOTS wif hd Nw ...o AGFA Clipe $5.00 * 15 Pfictures to the.:Roll 16 Mm. and 8 mm. Movie Flm plain or Color.d IDGE AVE. PHARMACY M ~ttdpft d. Wlf. 314 HYDiIOX,.. JR CREAM, 2-LAYER BRICK Chocolat. between two layers of Buffer Pecan 4c Ice lie .cq: PACKAGE Fres Peach- Ice Crealm. p22C Spommsorlemeàt Naming committee-heads to di- rect arrangements, Williamn Thy- bony of WiImette (above). Iast week announced the second animal. bete fit suminer formnai spo.tsoredà by ýTheta Upsilon Rho, which- wiII be gk',.en August 26. son in WVimette ampniheaer vveu nesday evening of last. week. Per- fect Wether. conditions, a 'perfect setting anddlihtful mnusic conspired t ive Wlmette vllagers and* ther ot hor guests one-of the most enjoyable èvenings since. the free symphony concerts were inaugurated in 1936. In spite of the handicap irnposed, upon the musicians b'y the fact' that,' unfortunately, millions of sand flics: chose that. particularngt on which to make their brief, fligb't froni the beginning of > hf e to its end', they, gave a performance that was equal in al respects to that .which.' the North. Shore has become accustomed to ex- rirt. The insects have now disap- The prcl 0of the seas july 20, fo SAFETY CONFORT PLIEASURE i "I. am for the third -concert i on Wednesday evening, >ws. Leo Kopp lias been s guest conductor: to "The Magie ........... .... . M ozart from "A MlIdsunmrer Dreamn"..Mendelssohn aring the' First n Spring-......... Deliu-9 1in the Straw".... Guion Phone GRE. Enire New FI..t of Each Equipped Wfh nieuf 8100 1938 Plymouth- New Philco Rado RATE STUL QONLY 5'c PER 1/2 MILEI 1 164 Wiueff. Ave. 2 3s ýhfield Davs," the first enter- 1the inewly organized North.- mprovemernt association, is d for Saturday and Suniday, and 17. T. Dodds is chairman of the which will be featured bv a graphie Poem .............. Ravel IX. Overture to 'Tannhauser-............ Wagner A feature of especial interest to North Shore music. loyers will be the appearance of. the noted soprano, Marie Sidenlus Zendt of Chicago., whose summer residence for several years past bas been 719. Park avenue. mi un- 1 cflurch at Websi urn toi now reside at Il 'Wilmette. Central avenue,, k- Con Ilýe le