Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jul 1938, p. 52

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Beautiful room with 7 Windgos. - Central location. Garage available. WilmeÎtte 2886. 1161O jtp NICELYFUUnNISHED ROOM, LARGE i CTOSET. NEAR TRANSPORTAT~ION. ALSO GARAGE. WINNETKA 2337. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM .for lady. Bath and shower convenient. Garage If des;ired. $5. Phone Wilmette 2572. 116LTNIO-lItp Conifortable Fronit Room NEAR NORTH SH0RE STATION IN a inaII aduit famlly. Wilmette 3206. il 6LTNI 0-ltp ,Sleeping room for rent. NerGentleman preferredl. Nertransportation. Winnetka218 ROOM WITH- TWIN BEDS. ALSO single room, double bcd. Kitchen privi- leges. 2 bîks. fromn transportation. Wii- mette 4132. 11GLTrNl0-1tî) Nice Roorn for 1 796 Elin St., Winnetka. Nicely furnished room transportation, for 1o employed people. Winnetl< Agent on Premises-Mr. Rezat 103GAGE ST. or Iird1&Wimer Evanston-522 Davis St. Holiycourt 1855 Winn. 455 Gre. 1855 128LTN10-1tc là* voit RENT-FUflieSHKD APE.- 4.ROOM FURNISHED APART-MENT, smali porcli. In Indian Hill, near transp. Available now tili September 1. Cali Wiflnetka 884 before 5 p.m., or Winn. 2588 atter. 129LTN10-ltp TWO ROOM APARTMENT, STEAM HEATED. 1129 CENTRAL AVE. MEE JANITOR. 129LTN9-tfc 133 FOR RKN?-HOUBES EAST KENILWORTH, White brick,.-o bdrnis., 3 baths, 2-car gar. (Oct. Ist) ....-.................. $200.0 KENILWORTH RIPARIAN, Stonie and frarne, library, 6 bdrmms., 3 bas. (Oct. 1 st).......................8$200.00 WINNET1KA - INDIAN HILL GOLF' GROUNDS, studio liv. rin., 5 bdrms., tt)4bas., 4-car gar.; recreation room, ting room >wlth ireplace. Oit iieat, of course, also thorough Insulation, metal weather stripped, and mùany ot4ier tea- tures. Excellent Winnetka location. Original cost $40,000. Can be bought today for $26,000. Phonie us for a<ddreas R. MJAEGER& Co Exclusive Agents 522 Green Bay Rd.. Winnetka 89 147LTN10-1tC 1028 PAWNEE ROAD Indian Hill Estates, East WILMETTE Openi Sunday, 2:30,to 6 NEW EARLY AMERICAN, RESI-, den ,ce, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooma, 39% baths, br. rmi., rec. rm. 2-car att. ýgar. Auto. heat, .humidlfied, 165-foot f r o n t a g e. Architecturally plsahned and supervised. Decorated in excellent taste. May alfio be seen at otber times by callng Mr. D)aI!jY, JUk2i, 77,- 1-1,TNX9:1tÇ I -* ~ I WHAT MANY BUYERS WANT Near Lake, Neâr Schô-ols& -N E A R TRANSPORTATION. 7 attractive rooms. 2 modern baths. Extra lavatory on first. Automatic heat; garage. Just reduced froin $20,000 to $15,000. See this soon. It won't last long. 1McGLIIRE & ORRIlic. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, WiI. 22 near equity ozranaiu xzve,j ln 6rmü. bouse in 3 apt. ýbldg. north'side of Chicago, value .of $18,600Y to tramde. for'modem. 6,or 7 rmn. bouse on north shore fer $,15,000. tû $20;000. Duplex on northf side of -Chicago value $ 7,000, owner. wants modern 6 or 7' min,. bouse: on north shore priced. froin $10,000 to $18,00. W. G. -RUGGLES & Co... 517 Davis St., Evansto'n Uni. 6886 HoL. 6886 Wil. 166.0 147LTNI0-lt WILMETTE: WELL-BUILT,, attractive brick and stucci> bunIgalow with 3 bedroorns on lst fIr., beautiful yard. Iiiquire for Other Excellent Values For YuCneince Three Shore Offices EVANSTON: 522 Dav is St. Hiollycourt 185;- Greenleaf 185- WINN4f'qTZA - 740 F.'i .1ý- 510 Davis Street Wiliie 133L'l 740 GROVE.GLENC AVAILABLE NOW: 3 BEDRO( bath, brick Colonial; lieate sljeeping and breakfast porches gairage; play roomn: reasonabli HEINSEN REALTY, -WI - ý -111 q . uteaRI ast--. i x.,- xear LU4ir, H. iW. Ui tte 3740 heat;- 2-car lieated garage ; a perfect INlOdltc homne in wonderful condition. COE. HE INSEN REALTY Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OM, 2/ 660 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka 254 :ed Sun, L4"iLTN10-ltc i2-car in Wilmette. This can be purchased with $1,000 cash and payments of $75 per month. Price $10,000. SHORE-TO\VNS REA i' CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, E-.ainsti Gre. 2700 Wii. 608 Rog Pk. 663.6 14TLTN10-1tu & TYSON, m Ic. Winnetka 177 -ltc 14OLTN9-tfc I 117 cooking prl 119 POURI A2 RM., JE; M -Itû 1

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