con.. ri Ave., am~,. Deodline for Isyfln9? C veseUna Cr b WILMTTUUBdor yl preýPapra enMayp S P. .for WlNIK ntAL ad'firsay4R .fo GWCQNEWS. Tlpoe:Wllmtt. 4800,, Wlnnetka 200o ônnt 60 itrSP. IL), Greene'": 0 o MolIrake 1216-1217. la s o 94 81TUATION WANTZD-VEMALE CALL MR. BAKER FOR MAIDS-COOKS-COUPLES RÉeIIable service for the better homne. Shorline .Emnpi. Agency 746 Elm St.> Winnetka 3012 94LTNI.-ltc COMP. WOMAN WISHEs WORK ANY DAY. LDRY., SPRING HSECLMG., WASH WALLS. ETC. PREFPARE DIN- NERS. CARE FOR CHILDREN EVEI,ý$ 94LTNIO-ltp CULTUREJ, CAPABLE WOMAN, wilI také charge f motherles home or women living alone. References exchianged. Address A-54, Box 60, Wilimette, 111. 94LTN10-ltp N MIDDLEAGED WOMAN, EXPERI- I nced housekeeper, practical nurse: children's nurse; can take complete charge if necessary.. Desire permanent position. $15. Winnetka 3043. 941,10-ltn 94 SIT1UATION WANqTED-PremALEU COOKING, SERVING OR PART TIME by day or hour, by thoroughiy experi- eneed màid. Refers. Ph. Wilmette 4903.ý 94LTN10-ltp YOUNG GIRL WISHES CARE. 0Fp child or'baýby, Pull or part time. Refer-ý ences furnished. Answer by card. 1441 Forest Ave., *Wilmette. 94LTN1O-ltp GENERAL HOUSEWORK, , LE>AN- ing, latùidry. Good cook. White. 35e per hour. Address A-49,, o 0,Wl CALL WINNErKA 335 Cookirig, serving, cleaning, care of ollil- dren. Hour, day or Week. Very exp. Scandinavian woman. 94LTN1O-ltp MAIN FLOOR AND COiOKING.. NO washing or iroiig. Good wages. From 3 to 4 adults. Wlnnetka 2022. 4llt LEE EMPL. AGENCY Office ln Evanston Oniy 1631 Benson Ave. Bet. Davis & Church Winnetka 132 Davis 8116 97LTN1-tp) Exper. Maids Wa.ted GOOD WAGES Lindgren Empl. Agency 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 97LTN60-tfc WE WILL EMPLOY 3 OR 4 HIGH- grade typists. Applicants mnusi. be fast, accurate and weii educated, particularly ln spelling, punctuation and division of words. Knowledge of. shorthand flot re- quired. Earnings wiil depend upion. ability. Address A-52, Box '0, WiI- mette, I11. '97LTN10-ltp 'sii BAKER o BEDTTF2R JOBS - BTE A 746 Ebli St. Winnetka 3012 97LTN9-lte WHTITE GIRL FOR - (ZTE1EflA T X4CiTTqp. Woman, white, cool housework. Own. rcos Must like children No washin-. Wilme UO-ltc LtlI. FOR, SATISFACTION AND VALUE '37 Packard Formai sedan .......... .$1,595. '34 Stude. tr. se..... 315 '38 Packard, mod. 127 tour. sed.. .. '37 LaSalle tour sed..., '38 ýCad. 160 cl. cpe..,. . '37 Lincoln Zephyr, 4 dr ............ '37 Oids tour. Sed. '35 LaSall 5 ed.: '36 Buick tour. sed.. . '35 Packard 1203 sed. '35 Buick tr. cpe... '36 Studebaker Brome. 1810 Ridge Ave, Wii. 956_Win $11r»-(n 1,195 1,095 ,,~ ç, Cail Edna Dt WTHITE MATD, GED housewuork. Assist withc Iauindry. North Shore, Suinnyside 4772 COMPANION OR HOTT FOR E LDERLY LADY 0 REFINED, RELIABLE C WOMAN. DREXEL 164)._ LAUTY 1_____ 934 Chevrolet Sed............. $245, 7LTN1IO-ltp 1934 Ford Sed . ............. $215 E N E R'A L ,1934 Ford Coue.........48 ILY: O)WN MANY OTHERS ro STAin'. PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWEft 7LTN10-ltc ~ ] ~ ~ R A ACE OTOn ~e if desirea. ;îo-ît3.