çe cuirnàme . "THSE HAMING PEOPLE 9 Yes , we knew it's the title of a book,: and that Michael* Arien beat us to it by, quite soe .tune. Just the sanie it's the best heading we can thinik of for that whîch we ish to say. For tw.enty-odd years- we have been knockitig about the NËorth Shore, dipping into civic àf- fairs and one thing and another, and have ac- cumnulated a sizable list of acquaintances of, which wc arc not a little proud. Whether striving to do 'our srnall bit forth Community Chest, cmtergency relief fun& or other like work,e have corne into contact With so many charming people whon we had not heretofore known .'that - .... inresed witb the ger-neighbors were mellowed by the t charity, it is a pleasure to say that, rni upon the' common ground of scrv- nity, we have found themn responsive, ivic niinded and altogether delightful. :periences show thàt the villagers of ;hore love iheir homes, their churches, s, their village, their neîghbors, and concerned with all that mnay affect --tS N nAhrktaial hasi a corner on the thei eUucationai, rruiuub i.it The wonder is that more' villagers do not enl- brace the opportunities so frequently offercd 'to engageè in civic and charitable work, and thus broaden their acquaintance among the, groupa -,6ý*rà-ràUaIv a-i, *invs. t will he found bil Who pas s. On more elaborate scales the garden' clubs, havre donc commendable work in beâutifying. larger spaces. But the smaller ones, and esp ecially the alléys, must be left to the initiative and di- rection of small groups of neighbors W-ho have more than a passing interest in the appearance of their neighborhôods. It is a work WeillWorth while, requiring ivery littie time, and when donc. in cooperation affords great pleasure to those who participate.- If there is a dark and unattractive spot, nearby, enlist the help of your neighbors Wn clearing it and preparing- the ground for permanent fal planting. It will pay real dividends in enhanced beauty and value. 4sA "MEN WHO PLAN Now" 'Rotai fl5are ii.êa4bIy _ptmiti. ir- çrscd is to look for the bright side-and, not finding it, to make a gloomy side bright. Hence it is not surprising to find in the, organization's official' magazine an editorial advising business nmen to keep a stiff upper lhp during periods of economic and financial depression-and to work a littie bit harder. It says, in part: "It is strange. But it happens SQ oftcn that it iut he a response 'to something basic in human purposes which many of us, blinded by easy suc- cess in more prosperous periods, fail to sec and use ? "The late IEdward A. Filene, a merchant of Bos- ton, whose thinking was neyer bounded by na- tional borders, once said: 'l have noticed that buiness success tends' to breed.b-usiness.failur. seldoni occu *cd with weightiet niatters as to get a kick out of the announcemefit of the en- gagement of joanfi Wakemnan to Richard Sleep, lampcd in an Evanston paper. Said one such: "So the -little girl is going to Sleep at Iast." And a Highland Park paper hceadlines: "Louse Willard, ,Marrièd Wcdneàday." B3etcha that editor. lef t town in a hurry. -There is something decldedly incongruous in' the. present. situation in 'Palestine. That there should be hatred, selfis hness, niurder. and civil war. betweeèn Arabs and Jews in 'the very ,cradie of' revealed, religion, where only peace, harmony and love should reign, is a distinct shock to1 the world at large. One thinks of, Palestine as a country- whose, valys are covered with olive groves and whose hilis are white with the flocks of herdsmen; where the spirit of the Savior rests like a pérpetual benediction over aIl the people, and' where good will and neighborliness are ever present. It-Ïs a picture conjured' trôm 'the traditions that have corne down through the centu ries. Is it now to be replaced by one' less lovely~? And are the footprints of the gentie Personage to be obliterated' by the wheels of heavy art jllery and the destruction wrought, by bombs 'from the blue sky? One can fervently hope that Palestine will be spared the ravages of war, if for no other reason than' that it is-Pal.estine. actors. They ies of well -and into owni The next holiday is a long way. off. from a mani in recently by a Vox. Pop let- ermanv,. ,who secs no future itt did you $peaking of not? isa But here's cur station. TiHZPHANTOM RJXPORTR.,