about two weeICs to cOMPIete- S At pre sent the water in *many places in the approàch is less than four feet deep, and beyond thé area marlced with buoys by the Wilmùette -Harbor association sand bars rise almost to the SUrface. The slightly higher lake level ofý the past f ew inonths, however, has aided the skippers of the star class boat fleet and the members of the Coast Guard crew. Coast Guard Sipper at Camp Logan Range woriç, Snyder, xirpé1t- n Gos te prisemen John Kelly Mathison, son of Mrs., John Herbert AMath ,son aof Evais-, ton, formierly of Winitelka, has been motifled of! Au admissioki to Prine- ton: unversity, and u:'iUj enter in the fall for graduate, work. 300,000. The part'y was bivoisacke 'd uncler the stars in the grove where Gen. John F. Reynolds, c9ommanding' the b~eventb Corps, f ell.on the first day> of the conflict. The terrain involved in each day ' of the terrific Struggle was traced ini sequence with the aid of maps, charts and monumental markers. The high point. ofthe cele- bration was the, unveiling' of the peace memoral-an, eternial> flame- with a dedicatoryaddre ss -by Presi- dent Roosevelt. The party journeyed on to Wash- ington, D. ÏC., where the Capitol, the White- Ho use, Mt. Vernon- Bureau of -Engraving, F. B-. 1, Supreme Court, Lincoln Memnorial, St. Alban's t Sand- [y Tues- Wenner, Fore st, >e of the the po- in ber first aid me, was , ra., LU De a f ew nior 1< ~ he house -of the