,, *ue..1 For those thirty yearg of agè or over.' MfiddIe Age Is lihat You Make It ranàks decidedly among--the new worth while ýpublications. Iii f act. ifs almost a "mhust' book for thiose, who would lâke tdo something about keepîng strong arid active. ' Nýo hokuni bv a fanatic, but scientific facts presented by an 'M.D., Middle Age Is Whag l'ou, Make ItlIays down ýruIes and instructions helping men and-wornen-to retain their health, vtltand happjness regardless of the' Balanced Diet Dr. S':okoloffis assumption is that a balanced diet. good digestion. pr)pe .r assimilation.1 fresh air and mod-erate ex- ercise' are the principal. ingredi-,nts. Adequate rest. compo)sure. and 'a ihil- ;and ,ou re Carl Crow, the Anierficau busi- oless niaù, w/tonia de slic/ta 'success ncom ciletrissin China, ard Silice bas beei oplaisn Chiese lii e ipt American books luis a mew one--'Master Kw' g," thje sforY o the mn Confucius. Carl ('rzý, z.-rfe, -hebes sller .P M11illion Custonmers." id io,-recasts their prob-iblé M1aster ýe humnan constitution. 'But coi picture. iýn t :Olelv ascientist and which are -je a ýý-colôistanclthe great as we.and' accordingly ini Shaiiti hol a ol n r sattributed hobbieS along with ductless 'TAng dy liiflentanv "canal. were pro by copies )f tlie sage our building technics, is an attempt to deal in a comprehensive way with urbanism. Its condemnationi of today's mega- 101)Olis as "shapelçss',giantism,"' dis-> integrating, by 'its own weight,. is no new theme to men i the field of, real estate, c onstruction,- building, finance and city planning. For Humau Needs Mumford Sées the integrated neigh- borhood and i turn the integrated small city community as the natural. urban nucléus,- the wmO 1rkable unit for lhuman relationships. The -hum an val- ues we get out of city, life we céan get at their maximum only >%hen our commniity units are the right size for face to *face contacts, he points out. They corne only when the city unit 'in which. we li ve, is ~big enough to give us ail the kinds of comipan- inmghrip à-iff etvîc'*; ne'ed biut flot so big as to isolate us f rom each other. So lie sees our probleni as one of building and rebuilding our cities so their units. of life w ill be on the hurnan scale, and so there can be a- close and natural city-country rela- tionship. .There might be .possibly fifty inte- grated small city cemmunities, ail in functional relationship with e a ch 150 Sern Ae. Un. 28- Read the Want Ads ll*d.%C . -No under eS oiten fallI ill or break dû',%n cumpletelv I RedDr. Sokoloif and 'learn 'hat thé fol non-acjd cold creams are' inclined to age the skjn. This is but (one of dojzeýns -À similar ti1ps and ey'e-OPenierssctteed -ut a through the sniall '-lni T.usýt a littie In boo>k it can easilv be absorbed i an and h evening or t'vo. aav Of En glanid or A Counrty With- Hero by Beverly Nichols ,hich 'Mr. Nichols turns his Wit is powers of observation to an that tt may De like Lincoln's idea of' how long a man's legs should 'be. 1,0119 ùnougb to reacli the ground. Right size to have ail the activities and' services that a full modern lie and culture needs. The integrated neighhorhood we need to develop should, he holds, be scaled so as to' IOOKOBON CAU1~S staioeÂET