A group of 25 students frorn Chicago and vicinity under the: leadership of Paul G.. Delaporte, New Trier. High scbool faculty mniberi left last'Thurs- day for New York on the train 'Shenandoah." They embarked for Eturope Saturdaýy, July 2, on the S. S. "Bremen" 'for a,.6 wvees tour. iThe group will visit England,, H ol- land, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and France; students wilI be conducted ini such a way that they will receive a well balanced vacation ini addition to somne education instruction, it was, ex- plained--has been arranged so that this group Will, meet student groups of other countries. was recently grauuaw.vu irom -orneil university with a degree of Bachelor of science in, administrative engineer- ing. Mr. FEhrlich' was active in school îf e; ýhe was a member of the 'varsity hockey, track, lacrosse, and rifle teams, and was elected to Quili and Dagger, senior honorary society; Red' Key, ),jUnior honorary society; K appa Trau Chi, an honorary society in ad- ministrative engineering; Scabbard and Blade, national honorary society of, the R.O.T.C. signal corps; and Kappa Beta Phi, upperclass social club. Mr.,Ehrliceh is also a member of the. Ofllcer's club of the R.O.TC., and Burke of Wilmette is in charge of the arr angements and jobnny Jones' orchestfra will play., Other events o n tbe calendar of. the near future in- clude a bridge lecture at Il o'clock next Tuesday morning and ýa buffet bridge with Mrs. A. C. 'Hovey ini charge at 7 o'çlock n-ext Wednesdayý evening. -th 12 >Ioom Rait Eel PI U~UU.SP.X- J50C Deld à rmite - pwnfod*L CRANIBROOK Distinctive Endowed Pr.> aragory ScoI for Boys SCHOOL Grades 7,1and High SchooI Mao pot-taduate coine. Ezceptlonally beautifol, comple, modem. Unusiual, opportun;tloe. lu amt, cra fte. -musilo, sciences. Rdbblua en- couraged. 'rond pr-rm f porte..Single roonu. Strong faculty. In- didul attentio. PGraut.ulaover -0 colegul. Neur Detroit. 2 Westphal and Leete Keefer, of Evans- ton; Nancy and Betty Brown, of Win- netka; Virginia Snorf, Robert Schenl< Betty jean Arcus, and George Terzakes of Wilmette. -Miss Alice Hackett, oý Chicago, will accornpany the tour a! chaperon. Seniors : 1<ancolph (taht"A"), Bertt and Harrison A. Stoi mores: Chester W. 13 C. H. Jones, Jr., Ralph Broad.. N. n L 1 on him. and Mrs. Hloward at 250 Bronxville Y. "and advanced group, 4 té 5 o'clock. -The courses will be given. every 'ruesday and Thursday afternoons. k If there is. suficient dernand a course of morning instruction may )e, started, it was said. V In this case the instruction bhours cli....RAM&,%* MoW ý2 56 ~fl~ I - Pheme i - -lm 1 , . 1 'l ' , ' 1