*,dI, SandaIs Higher Priced oeyand t"h'reafiic o iinth~e sean ew ~es a idpnig, heels-so cool and fresh est shades. Irregularities in no way impair appearance =n gmes in natural hopsacking with or wearing quality. They have ail been made by a embroidery. famoi*s manufacturer. Sizes 8Y2 tô 10Y2. E-Z-MDO 5-mTulbe N~eva FAIIRANKS MORSE Ce~wa. Save' Over /2 C!arnier Hod: 3 Mens' Suit: or 6 Dresses Easily Fîve tube superheterodyne; full dynaniic speaker!I This IotIrn carrir wWl Coast to coast reception. Splendid sensitivity and e iwvt Gepoalar 1I T aie @Ptrtoe a4e ti a ti oomrii ou.. value we hav~e ever offered 1 W fgh JD S ADbo. an up ëgtwa o uf 0w o 'ettrhoeny*BreeAVWu 4#athrtIe1uraftablr SpeWalitfn ish cabinet. Play's 10- inch or 12-incli records with lidcloed peo