SOFT TWIST WHITE BREAD, FRESH PAN ROULS Lt BBY'S' TOMATO JUICE DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE> ANN PAGE PORK and SEAN S DAILV DOG FOOD AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP' KITCHEN, KLENZIR GOLD MEDAL WIIIATIS SUPER BAKT SODA CRACKERS miss WISCONSIN PEAS LOAF, Doz. 14- OZ. CAN 8-OZ. CAN 16-OZ. CAN BAR CAN PKG. 1 LB PKG. NO. 2 CAN NO0. 2'2 CAN S c sit-down reliefers, township superV,1sors, social workers, mtotor club officiais, andi the ýregular attendants ýat ail sessionsý who repres, labor, indn.stry, educa-. tion etc. The: close. of the sessions means thatîniany state emploéyees can returil to their regular work' and. be used as lobbyists for administration measures. In sumniarizing, the resuits of the spe-> cial sessions so far as the above men-, tioned groups were affected We night say: Bsies *(1) Bs nes en were successful in securing 'the defeat of the use tax, the producers t axi, the- cigarette tax, and the Iicensing tax on busin.esses and pro- fessions. 1.1,Tax -Board .Beaten- defeat the housing' bis which, ex- )ted the federal prol ects froi taxa - L The bis which passed were ited to one project ini Chicago where land hiad already been acquired by federal governinent. 3) The civic mn ded citizens lost heir figlit for city manager enabling but the motoring public 105t ini the hight against the diversionto relief of $2,50, 000 frorn the gasoline 'tax funds for Chicago. (7) 'The hiigh schools Of Illinois are pleasýed by the appropriation of $1,000,_ 000, for those in distress and the Uni-_ versityr of Illinois was g iven. $700,oo for- a niew building. to take, the place of one Wvhich was condemn.ed and tor' Ail of the above observations are of course predicated uponi the assumiptionl tbat the governor signs ail of the bills, Or that. they will becomne lawvs %Nitllout. his veto. The bitterness of feeling hecause Of factional differences which charactur- izcd the entire session came to a cli- max on Wednesday %wheni the m'ai ority floor leadler, Benjamnin Adamnowski, bit- tery 'assailed-the eenate and the rînii(r: ity mienbers of the housc for their ef- forts in defeating the legislation pro- .posed in the govemnor's prograi andl particulariy those measuires \vhich wvouild have produced more revenue for the state treasury. The attack was answvered inithe bouse byv Representatives R e n n i c k anid Sýchniackeinberg, Republicans. and] 1 Senators Monroe, N favpolc. Karrakeýr Iand Lieutenant-Governor Stelle in the pleasel by the adled power given miemiber of the legisiature iiu the hope ie Illinois Einergency Relief coml-. that thiere will hc no more special ses- on whiere-ini relief funds 'froi the sions tliis N'ear 1and ini that hope 1 >*miav bec ithhie1d when the coin- shoid be sccoîided h. the taxpayers (> ion belieVes that funids are not hein- Illinois. en H. Harter MN'arries Farm iMuitial hI>m-aincc compahy (À Loomington Girl June 30 Bloom1ingtonl. Nfr. Harter, the onlv son of Mr. ii Thutrsda,, eveing, jiine 30, at ýand Mrs. Syýlvester 1-larter of Joniý juet ceremionv, Mîjss Irî, lne1 Point, is a gradtiate of tliat local .1 ,L WHITE CHIPS NO. 1 CAN 2-LB. BAG 1 8-OZ. PKG. PKG. OF 12