Special Sale Lasts f ro? July 7.13,1938 Rogers Park 01189,'Bucknhm2000) SCLOSSER'S Claussens DIII Pickles COMMOD)ORECOM OR Newy ace~ "om syI~ ii pckes Orng Pko T a urFrenchu Dressing fruit Cocktail Nowl"paied"hom ttle"dil piclesCieOurown brand of pure French dres An Inviofln fruit mixture aIl ready t and you can SEE th. dlI-plenty of lced-t.a days are here for days to ing with a piquancy tIh.t moas &Il pop in te tfrigerator and chili b.- it-Dliciously crisp and tastY-Best come-REAL. iced 'tee can onlyb. sâl&ds-whatever their content6-..ýor fore serring-AISO fine for fruit satleds. vwben chiled before servg- br.wed with finely blond-49 palatabl Io adj savory orange pe 4 9 C-8k N. 1? i Quartier- 85cC1'NCommoore-? lb.fî. 9 .2 5 : iè,Cmmd 12 . ce c. 9 Cheese GENESEO A fine assortm Apricots, Sw, )NLY- 4 for 95C Imported Runi-and Butter Tef..e Fr.sh and butter-y - IndivlduelIy wrapped places in pound cello p&g. 3 5c fresn-Pine To *ât rn tasty when they have, ana . Criso end n uumMer seala- ialIy critsp andi BEEF STEAK TC 2~ ~~ ~d bcs .cI**jumbo siz. tomaý lbs. U5 BERS. F[frm, 2 f.r 19C OId - fashion- 20c pees end mint sauce-l.-I F% FRESH POUK TENDERLOIN. No bones,A ob no waste; ail ready fo breed and fry- ILb- T GINUIN! CALVES, LIVER. Nutritiouas. delicious and full of vitamin contnt- lb,- C SLICED BACON. To serve witt, fried celves' liver, t. use for tasty surmnor sandwiches or*A. complote e breakfast menu- 1/1-1b. pg-I '7 RIS LAMB CHOI'S. Cut from tender Sprig i JULY 7, 13